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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Части тела 7 класс

Which languages are spoken in these countries?Australia DutchAustria ArabicEgypt
Solve the crosswordВелосипед    4. Мотоцикл Which languages are spoken in these countries?Australia CompleteWales, Scotland, and England are ________.The United Kingdom includes ___________.The capital of Great BritainNothern IrelandLondonWalesEdinburgh Nothern IrelandEnglandTest yourself Complete sentencesMy … language is Kazakh.My … language is English.I … speak Conjugate.Have to go to school.Must help your classmate.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Which languages are spoken in these countries?

Which languages are spoken in these countries?Australia

Austria Arabic
Egypt German
Greece Welsh, English
Holland Greek
Wales English

Слайд 3 Complete
Wales, Scotland, and England are ________.
The United Kingdom

CompleteWales, Scotland, and England are ________.The United Kingdom includes ___________.The capital

includes ___________.
The capital of the U.K. is _______________.
Cardiff is

the capital of _________________.
The Scottish capital is _________________.
Belfast is the capital of _________________.
London is the capital of ________________.

Слайд 4 Great Britain
Nothern Ireland
Nothern Ireland

Test yourself

Great BritainNothern IrelandLondonWalesEdinburgh Nothern IrelandEnglandTest yourself

Слайд 5 Complete sentences
My … language is Kazakh.
My … language

Complete sentencesMy … language is Kazakh.My … language is English.I …

is English.
I … speak Russian, English.
… you speak Kazakh?

-Yes, I do.
… you speak Kazakh? -Yes, I can.
… you understand French? - … .
I can‘ t speak French … .

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-chasti-tela-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0