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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Английские надписи на одежде подростков

«Clothes make the man»
English inscriptions on teenagers' clothesAuthor : Anna Zaleskaya10 «А» «Clothes make the man» The aim of our study is to establish the inscriptions’ meaning of The tasks of our study are:  -To study publications and Internet ANCIENT GREECEInscriptions on workers’ uniform Punks and hippies T-shirts FUNCTIONS The inscriptions change according to the age CHILD									ADULT Psychological impact Questions:  a) How Reasons for buying clothes Popular inscriptions Trust me Доверься мне Supreme Высший	 Make every day We’re responsible for the information that carry on our clothes.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «Clothes make the man»

«Clothes make the man»

Слайд 3 The aim of our study is to establish

The aim of our study is to establish the inscriptions’ meaning

the inscriptions’ meaning of the level of the English

language proficiency. The object of our study is the inscriptions on the teenagers’ clothes. The subject of our study is the information of the inscriptions on the teenagers’ clothes.

Слайд 4 The tasks of our study are: -To study publications

The tasks of our study are: -To study publications and Internet

and Internet resources and find some facts from the

history of inscriptions on clothes; -To make a survey of inscriptions on teenagers’ clothes; -To translate the inscriptions from English into Russian; -To ask teenagers about the reasons of choice of the inscriptions -To come to conclusion.

Inscriptions on workers’ uniform

ANCIENT GREECEInscriptions on workers’ uniform

Слайд 6 Punks and hippies T-shirts

Punks and hippies T-shirts

Слайд 7 FUNCTIONS The inscriptions change according to the age CHILD ADULT

FUNCTIONS The inscriptions change according to the age CHILD									ADULT

Слайд 8 Psychological impact

Psychological impact

Слайд 9 Questions: a) How old are you? b) Do you

Questions: a) How old are you? b)

pay attention on the inscription when you buy clothes? c)

What are the reasons of buying clothes with English inscriptions? d) What is the translation of the inscription on your clothes?

Слайд 10 Reasons for buying clothes

Reasons for buying clothes

Слайд 11 Popular inscriptions Trust me Доверься мне Supreme Высший Make every day happy Сделайте каждый

Popular inscriptions Trust me Доверься мне Supreme Высший	 Make every

день счастливым Normal people scare me Нормальные люди пугают меня You never

asked, so I never told you Ты никогда не спрашивал, поэтому я не говорил тебе Listen to your heart Слушай свое сердце Keep calm and believe in magic Успокойся и верь в чудо

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-angliyskie-nadpisi-na-odezhde-podrostkov.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 186
  • Количество скачиваний: 3