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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Здоровая еда (4 класс)

Answer the questions.What’s your favourite food?
«Healthy food» Презентация к уроку учителя английского языка Абдулгамидова З.Г. Answer the questions.What’s your favourite food? What do you usually drink? What do you have for breakfast? Do you have soup for lunch? Do you like fruit? Do you eat vegetables every day? Do you like chocolate? Get up, little Freddy,Breakfast is ready:Butter and cheeseAll that you pleaseMilk and Which foods do you think are good for you? We need healthy food to stay healthy. Good food has a lot are important forVitaminsyour body. Protein helps you to grow and give you energy. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. Water is important for your blood.Drink lots of water every day! I eat healthy food. I drink milk for ___. I don’t eat What is your favourite food?How many meals you eat every day?How often EAT WELL,STAY HEALTHY!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Answer the questions.
What’s your favourite food?

Answer the questions.What’s your favourite food?

Слайд 3 What do you usually drink?

What do you usually drink?

Слайд 4 What do you have for breakfast?

What do you have for breakfast?

Слайд 5 Do you have soup for lunch?

Do you have soup for lunch?

Слайд 6 Do you like fruit?

Do you like fruit?

Слайд 7 Do you eat vegetables every day?

Do you eat vegetables every day?

Слайд 8 Do you like chocolate?

Do you like chocolate?

Слайд 9 Get up, little Freddy,
Breakfast is ready:
Butter and cheese

Get up, little Freddy,Breakfast is ready:Butter and cheeseAll that you pleaseMilk

that you please
Milk and bread for little Fred.
Tea and

jam for brother Sam.

Слайд 10 Which foods do you think are good for

Which foods do you think are good for you?


Слайд 12 We need healthy food to stay healthy. Good

We need healthy food to stay healthy. Good food has a

food has a lot of vitamins, protein and minerals.

Слайд 13 are important for
your body.

are important forVitaminsyour body.

Слайд 14 Protein helps you to grow and give you

Protein helps you to grow and give you energy.


Слайд 15 Minerals make your bones and teeth strong.

Minerals make your bones and teeth strong.

Слайд 16 Water is important for your blood.
Drink lots of

Water is important for your blood.Drink lots of water every day!

water every day!

Слайд 18 I eat healthy food. I drink milk for

I eat healthy food. I drink milk for ___. I don’t

I don’t eat lots of cake. Cakes have

lots of ___. Sometimes I eat sausages. They have lots of good ___, but they’ve got ___. I eat lots of fruit and ___. There are different types of ___ in milk, vegetables, eggs, meat, cereals and many other foods. I eat soup every day. It’s very good for you. I drink lots of water every day. I have a healthy ___.

Listen and complete the text. Use these words.

sugar, diet, vitamins, protein, fat, vegetables, minerals

Слайд 19 What is your favourite food?
How many meals you

What is your favourite food?How many meals you eat every day?How

eat every day?
How often do you eat vegetables and

How often do you eat fruit?
How often do you drink cola or other ‘fizzy’ drinks?
How often do you eat sweets?
Is your friend’s diet healthy?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-zdorovaya-eda-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 4