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Презентация на тему по теме Школа и предметы

Fill in a/an1 __ art class2 __ Science teacher3 __ school subject4 __ day of week5 __ English textbook6 __ lunch break
School and Subjects Fill in a/an1 __ art class2 __ Science teacher3 __ school subject4 Translate into Englishлюбимый день недели расписание уроковучитель естествознания перемена на обед вторник и четверглюбимый предмет Answer the questions:1) Are you from England? 2) Are you a student? Fill in am/ is / are‐ Bill, Mary and Vicky (1) _____ Match the words Correct the mistakes about capital letters in sentences 1. Mary smith is Translate into English:1) ‐ Ты учишься в начальной школе?‐ Нет. Я учусь
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Fill in a/an
1 __ art class
2 __ Science

Fill in a/an1 __ art class2 __ Science teacher3 __ school

3 __ school subject
4 __ day of week
5 __

English textbook
6 __ lunch break

Слайд 3 Translate into English
любимый день недели
расписание уроков
учитель естествознания

Translate into Englishлюбимый день недели расписание уроковучитель естествознания перемена на обед вторник и четверглюбимый предмет

перемена на обед
вторник и четверг
любимый предмет

Слайд 4 Answer the questions:
1) Are you from England?

Answer the questions:1) Are you from England? 2) Are you a

Are you a student?
3) Are you 10 years

4) Are you new to the school?
5) Are you in class 5?
6) Are you at school?

Слайд 5 Fill in am/ is / are
‐ Bill, Mary

Fill in am/ is / are‐ Bill, Mary and Vicky (1)

and Vicky (1) _____ my friends.
‐ (2) _____ they

in the same class?
‐ No, they (3) _____ not.
‐ What classes (4) _____ they in?
‐ Bill (5) _____ in class 4”a”. Mary and Vicky (6) _____ in class 6”d”.
‐ And what class (7) _____ you in?
‐ I (8) _____ in class 5”b”.

Слайд 6 Match the words

Match the words

Слайд 7 Correct the mistakes about capital letters in sentences

Correct the mistakes about capital letters in sentences 1. Mary smith

1. Mary smith is from england.
2. She’s twelve Years

3. she’s in class 5”c”.
4. Her favourite subject is geography.
5. She does geography on tuesday and thursday.
6. Mary and i are best friends.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-shkola-i-predmety.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 0