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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Давайте пойдем в театр

This theatre is situated in the center of the city near such universities as:Mari State UniversityVolga State University of Technology
This theatre is situated in the center of the city near such There are also two stands for the posters outside the building Inside the building there are two shopping stores with souvenirs and flowers Then we enter the door and see the dressing room which has the round form There are many pictures and photos of the actors on the walls There is also a buffet. People can go and eat here during breaks That is the whole view of the place for the audience! Thank you for the attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 This theatre is situated in the center of

This theatre is situated in the center of the city near

the city near such universities as:
Mari State University
Volga State

University of Technology

Слайд 3 There are also two stands for the posters

There are also two stands for the posters outside the building

outside the building

Слайд 4 Inside the building there are two shopping stores

Inside the building there are two shopping stores with souvenirs and

with souvenirs and flowers and two ticket windows not

far from the doors

Слайд 6 Then we enter the door and see the

Then we enter the door and see the dressing room which has the round form

dressing room which has the round form

Слайд 9 There are many pictures and photos of the

There are many pictures and photos of the actors on the walls

actors on the walls

Слайд 12 There is also a buffet. People can go

There is also a buffet. People can go and eat here during breaks

and eat here during breaks

Слайд 13 That is the whole view of the place

That is the whole view of the place for the audience!

for the audience!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-davayte-poydem-v-teatr.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 1