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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему:Обучение за границей(10-11 класс) или студенты

«I want to study in USA…but I don’t know from what to start…»Well, first of all you need to decide who you want to be in the futureWhen you decided whom you want to be then
«I want to study in USA…but I don’t know from what to What are the requirements to enter to an American university? Depends on What level of language needed to pass the tests?The better the language, Rating ВУЗов США -2011 (FROM U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT )1Harvard University Стоимость обучения(1989- 1999) Many universities in Russia offer their students exchange programmes when students can to improve their English to make friends to learn about traditions «Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more Is education abroad a way to successful future? Imagine!!!!!!!!!!   1000000 $ Describe your future, what do you want to be and how are One year later you had a child… Make the right choice for yourself… Say the truth…Can you change your life??can you give up your study What would you do in my place??
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «I want to study in USA…but I don’t

«I want to study in USA…but I don’t know from what

know from what to start…»
Well, first of all you

need to decide who you want to be in the future

When you decided whom you want to be then comes the choice of specific institutions

You’ll have to spend more than one hour and not one day to make a list of universities that would satisfy your ambitions, desires, location, rating, requirements.

Слайд 3 What are the requirements to enter to an

What are the requirements to enter to an American university? Depends

American university?
Depends on what are you going to

do and also depends on the university or college and even from the department. You need to look on the website of the university …in the requirements.
Typically, this is the test results, recommendations from teachers, employer, an essay about how I am good and why they should take yourself…

Слайд 4 What level of language needed to pass the

What level of language needed to pass the tests?The better the

The better the language, the more chance to get

the necessary points.

Слайд 5 Rating ВУЗов США -2011 (FROM U.S. NEWS AND WORLD

Rating ВУЗов США -2011 (FROM U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT )1Harvard

1Harvard University Cambridge, MA
2Princeton University Princeton, NJ

3Yale University New Haven, CT
4Columbia University New York, NY
5Stanford University Stanford, CA
5University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
7California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA
7Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
9Dartmouth College Hanover, NH
9Duke University Durham, NC
9University of Chicago Chicago, IL
12Northwestern University Evanston, IL

Слайд 6 Стоимость обучения(1989- 1999)

Стоимость обучения(1989- 1999)

Слайд 7 Many universities in Russia offer their students exchange

Many universities in Russia offer their students exchange programmes when students

programmes when students can go to foreigh countries ….for


Слайд 8 to improve their English

to make friends

to improve their English to make friends to learn about

to learn about traditions and customs of other countries


finally to become independent.

Слайд 9 «Always bear in mind that your own resolution

«Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is

to succeed is more important than any other thing».

Слайд 10 Is education abroad a way to successful future?

Is education abroad a way to successful future?

Слайд 11 Imagine!!!!!!!!!! 1000000 $

Imagine!!!!!!!!!!  1000000 $

Слайд 12 Describe your future, what do you want to

Describe your future, what do you want to be and how

be and how are you going to get it?

What is your plan to make your dreams come true? Will you do everything for it???

Слайд 13 One year later you had a child… Make

One year later you had a child… Make the right choice for yourself…

the right choice for yourself…

Слайд 14 Say the truth…
Can you change your life??can you

Say the truth…Can you change your life??can you give up your

give up your study now and do something unusual,


Слайд 15 What would you do in my place??

What would you do in my place??

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temuobuchenie-za-granitsey10-11-klass-ili-studenty.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0