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ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember
ЗАДАНИЕ 1.  Task 1. You are При чтении вслух участник ОГЭ должен продемонстрировать следующие фонетические навыки (их отсутствие дифференцировать и правильно произносить губно-губной [w] и губно-зубной [v] согласные; дифференцировать и ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Task 2. You are going to take part in a Suggesting and recommendingMy advice would be…Why don’t you/we…How/What about…If I were you, Agreeing and disagreeingI (completely) disagree with you.Yes, you’re right.That’s right/true.Exactly.Absolutely.I couldn’t agree Expressing and asking for the opinionI (don’t think)/believe/feel (that)I (don’t) believe inPersonally Expressing uncertaintyIt’s difficult to tell…I’m not really sure…It depends.ComparingBoth……and……also……too.…as well.A/One similarity is Expressing PreferencesI prefer… to…There is nothing like…As for me…Clarifying and asking the ЗАДАНИЕ 3    СПИСОК ТОПИКОВ:Взаимоотношения в семьеВзаимоотношения с друзьями и Проблемы выбора профессии и роль иностранного языкаСтрана/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Их географическое Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You will ОТВЕТ:Now I’m going to give a talk about photography.In my opinion, taking pictures is LET’S PRACTISE!   Task 1. You are going to read the Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals. You СПАСИБО ЗА ВНИМАНИЕ!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Task 1. You are going to

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Task 1. You are going to

read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to

read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Computers have been around for over sixty years and they have changed our lives. It is a well-known fact that the first modern computer began operating in the USA in 1945. This huge machine was the size of a large room. It was also very slow and so complicated to use that only an expert could operate it. That’s very different from modern PCs which are so user-friendly that anyone can use them.
During the 1970s, tiny electronic microchips became more common. By the 1980s and 90s, home computers were becoming smaller, faster and cheaper. As a result, more people bought them, so computers became more wide-spread.

Слайд 4 При чтении вслух участник ОГЭ должен продемонстрировать следующие

При чтении вслух участник ОГЭ должен продемонстрировать следующие фонетические навыки (их

фонетические навыки (их отсутствие ведет к снижению оценки):
владеть правилами

чтения и исключениями из правил, позволяющими произносить слова без грубых ошибок, искажающих смысл слова и приводящих к сбою коммуникации;
дифференцировать и правильно произносить долгие и краткие гласные: [ɑː] – [ʌ], [iː] – [ɪ]; [ɔː] – [ɒ]; [u:] – [u];
дифференцировать и правильно произносить межзубные [ ð ]/ [ θ ] и фрикативные согласные [z]/[s]; не замещать межзубные фрикативными (think – sink);

Слайд 5 дифференцировать и правильно произносить губно-губной [w] и губно-зубной

дифференцировать и правильно произносить губно-губной [w] и губно-зубной [v] согласные; дифференцировать

[v] согласные;
дифференцировать и правильно произносить гласные [ɔː] и

[ɜː] (walk – work; form – firm);
владеть «связующим r» (linking r), т.е. озвучивать конечную r/re в позиции перед гласной, если с гласной начинается следующее слово (например, there is, where are…)
правильно использовать при чтении текста вслух сильную и слабую формы местоимений и других служебных слов.

Слайд 6 ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Task 2. You are going to take

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Task 2. You are going to take part in

part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six

questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Personally I think …
I prefer …
I’m not very keen on …
In my opinion/view …
My advice would be …
You should/could …
You’d better …

Слайд 7 Suggesting and recommending
My advice would be…
Why don’t you/we…

Suggesting and recommendingMy advice would be…Why don’t you/we…How/What about…If I were

If I were you, I’d…
You should/could…
You’d better…
I suggest…
It’s (about)

What would be really great is…
I think it’d be good if…
It would be a good idea if we…
What we need…
It would be better to…
It would be a good thing to…
I wish they’d…

Giving reasons
Because of…

Giving examples
…for example…
…for instance…
…such as…

Слайд 8
Agreeing and disagreeing
I (completely) disagree with you.
Yes, you’re

Agreeing and disagreeingI (completely) disagree with you.Yes, you’re right.That’s right/true.Exactly.Absolutely.I couldn’t

That’s right/true.
I couldn’t agree more.
That’s a very good point.

a lot in what you say.
I agree with you up to a point…
I agree in part…
There may be some truth in that, but I think…
There is something in what you are saying but…

I agree in part…
Surely, though…
But is it always true? For example, think about…
I think that’s totally right. A good example of this…
You’ve got a point there, especially that…
I can see what you mean.
I can see your point.
I wouldn’t say so! For example…
That’s what I was thinking…
I have to disagree with you.
I am not sure.
That’s not the point, I’m afraid.
I have to admit…
I don’t think that’s fair.

Слайд 9 Expressing and asking for the opinion
I (don’t think)/believe/feel

Expressing and asking for the opinionI (don’t think)/believe/feel (that)I (don’t) believe

I (don’t) believe in
Personally I think
In my opinion
To my

If you ask me
It seems to me
In my view
As far as I’m concerned
I think it’s really great, don’t you?
Do you think?
Wouldn’t you agree…
What I don’t understand is…
What’s really worrying is…
I’m not sure. I haven’t thought about it much.

Polite request
Would it be possible…
Could you…
I’m sorry but…
I was wondering if…
Do you think I could…
Will you be…
Is it all right if…
If you’d like…
Could you possibly…
I wonder if…

Слайд 10 Expressing uncertainty
It’s difficult to tell…
I’m not really sure…

Expressing uncertaintyIt’s difficult to tell…I’m not really sure…It depends.ComparingBoth……and……also……too.…as well.A/One similarity

…as well.
A/One similarity is (that)
On the one hand… on

the other hand

Expressing possibility
It might be…
It may be…
It could be…
It’s possibly…
Perhaps it…
Maybe it…

A/One difference is (that)…

Слайд 11 Expressing Preferences
I prefer… to…
There is nothing like…
As for

Expressing PreferencesI prefer… to…There is nothing like…As for me…Clarifying and asking

Clarifying and asking the questions
In other words…
Is that clear?

I don’t quite understand…
To put it another way…
What I mean is…
So does that mean…
Could you explain how?
What I’m trying to say…
What I’m getting at…

Expressing certainty
It must be…
It can’t be…
It’s definitely (not)…

Слайд 12 ЗАДАНИЕ 3
Взаимоотношения в

ЗАДАНИЕ 3  СПИСОК ТОПИКОВ:Взаимоотношения в семьеВзаимоотношения с друзьями и в школеВнешность

Взаимоотношения с друзьями и в школе
Внешность и характеристики человека
Досуг и

увлечения (спорт, музыка, чтение, посещение театра, кинотеатра, дискотеки, кафе). Молодежная мода
Покупки. Карманные деньги
Школьная жизнь. Изучаемые предметы и отношение к ним. Каникулы. Школьные обмены

Слайд 13 Проблемы выбора профессии и роль иностранного языка
Страна/страны изучаемого языка

Проблемы выбора профессии и роль иностранного языкаСтрана/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна.

и родная страна. Их географическое положение, климат, население, города и села,

Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Их культурные особенности (национальные праздники, знаменательные даты, традиции, обычаи)
Выдающиеся люди родной страны и стран изучаемого языка, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру
Путешествие по странам изучаемого языка и по России Технический прогресс
Глобальные проблемы современности
Средства массовой информации (пресса, телевидение, радио, Интернет)
Природа и проблемы экологии. Здоровый образ жизни

Слайд 14 Task 3. You are going to give a talk

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You

about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes

and speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say:  why people like taking pictures  why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past  what the best photo you have ever taken is You have to talk continuously.

Слайд 15 ОТВЕТ:
Now I’m going to give a talk about photography.
In my

ОТВЕТ:Now I’m going to give a talk about photography.In my opinion, taking pictures

opinion, taking pictures is really popular now. Many of my friends

and classmates have cameras on their mobiles which they use to take photos of everything they like.
Today taking photos is more popular than it was in the past because cameras are less expensive and many people can afford them. You can even take pictures using camera on your mobile phone! Also, there are a lot of social networks, for example Facebook or Vkontakte where people post photos and share them with friends.
Personally I have one really great photo. It was taken last year in Rome. You can see my mother and me in it. We are standing near a beautiful fountain in the center of the city. The sun is shining and we are smiling.
In the end I would like to say that taking photos helps us save one of the most precious things in life — our memories, which can always be with us when we look at this or that picture.

Слайд 16 LET’S PRACTISE! Task 1. You are going to

LET’S PRACTISE!  Task 1. You are going to read the

read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to

read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The first linguistic theories appeared around the 5th century B.C. in India, Greece, Rome, and China. In order to understand texts better, the first linguists studied different aspects of the language, philosophy, and culture. Most early studies in India were based on ancient songs. For the first time, ancient linguists distinguished the words as nouns and verbs. This is how parts of speech appeared. Grammar and phonetics were later developed in Greece and Rome. Chinese linguists wrote the first dictionaries and synonyms. The first dictionary of the English language appeared much later, in 1755. It had 40,000 words.

Слайд 17 Task 1. You are going to read the

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You

text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the

text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Scientists have long been working on new orbital technologies for growing plants. They tried to grow different plants on the International Space Station. Then the plants were sent back to the Earth for further study. This year, for the first time, astronauts could eat green leaves grown in space. Space farming is extremely important for the future space missions planned to Mars because it gives fresh food and vitamins. The new plant growing system is very smart. It informs humans when the plants need water. Special sensors measure the thickness of the leaves. If they become too thin, detectors send signals. This technology helps save water in space and grow a good harvest.

Слайд 18 Task 2. You are going to take part

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone

in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the new library. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about reading books. Please answer the six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What books do you prefer to read?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite writer?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books in the library?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to?

Слайд 19 Task 2. You are going to take part

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone

in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: Do you prefer e-books or printed books? Why?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend your friends to read on holiday?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Слайд 20 Task 2. You are going to take part

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone

in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the educational centre ‘Lifetime learning’. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about taking exams. Please answer the six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
Electronic assistant: What exams are you going to take at the end of the academic year?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: How do you usually feel before you have to do an exam?
Student: _______________________

Слайд 21 Task 2. You are going to take part

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone

in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant: What exams do you prefer: oral or written? Why?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: How do you prepare for your English exam?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: Are exams useful from your point of view? Why do you think so?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a student who has failed his or her exam?
Student: _______________________
Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Слайд 22 Task 3. You are going to give a

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals.

talk about animals. You will have to start in

1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
what your favourite animals are, and why
what people should do to protect endangered animals
whether zoos are a good thing or not, and why
You have to talk continuously.

  • Имя файла: metodicheskie-rekomendatsii-po-podgotovke-k-oge-govorenie.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0