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Презентация на тему Техника ХХ века

Warming UpWhat do you think is our theme today? What do you think we will do at the lesson?Learn the words Take pictures Read the text Draw gadgets Speak about gadgets What should you learn to
Technology  High Tech Gadgets     Module 8 Lesson ABy Piunova M. A. Warming UpWhat do you think is our theme today? What do you Vocabulary !Laptop Camcorder MP3 player Digital cameraPDA(Tablet)Dictaphone Video mobile phoneTVRadio cassette playerWalkman Write the wordshandy 	apart from 	to the extent 	on the move 	keen Reading What gadgets have you got?Ex. 1 p. 140 Match the gadgets Match the words to the phrasesConsidering Match the words to their definitions Admit Device Social life Techno freak Translation Я рассматриваю карьеру фотографа. Я должен признать, что не могу представить Interview Ask your friends then report what they say. What gadgets do Reflection / HomeworkAnswer! What can you do with a camcorder / mobile
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Warming Up

What do you think is our theme

Warming UpWhat do you think is our theme today? What do

What do you think we will do at

the lesson?
Learn the words
Take pictures
Read the text
Draw gadgets
Speak about gadgets
What should you learn to do?
Speak about gadgets
Use new words
Learn a text

Technology / Gadgets

Слайд 3 Vocabulary
MP3 player
Digital camera

Vocabulary !Laptop Camcorder MP3 player Digital cameraPDA(Tablet)Dictaphone Video mobile phoneTVRadio cassette playerWalkman

mobile phone
Radio cassette player

Слайд 4 Write the words
apart from
to the extent

Write the wordshandy 	apart from 	to the extent 	on the move

on the move
keen on
hooked on


social life
private life
techno freak
voice recorder
university lectures
feeling shame
it goes without saying
to store
to keep

Слайд 5 Reading
What gadgets have you got?
Ex. 1 p.

Reading What gadgets have you got?Ex. 1 p. 140 Match the

140 Match the gadgets to the things you can

do with them
Ex. 2 p. 140 look at the people in the article. What are their hobbies? What gadgets do you think they couldn’t live without? Listen and check your guesses.
Ex. 3 p. 140 Match people to the statements. Say who…?
__________ needs a particular gadget to his / her hobby.
__________ values something that they didn’t buy themselves.
__________ isn’t very keen on technology.
__________ uses a gadget to help with his / her studies.
__________ would feel disorganised without a particular gadget.
__________ feels embarrassed about something he / she likes.
__________ is allowed more freedom because of a gadget.








Слайд 6 Match the words to the phrases

Match the words to the phrasesConsidering

a. convenient
Handy b. interested in
Hooked on c. thinking about
Keen on d. travelling
On the move e. other than
To the extent f. addicted to
Apart from g. alter (make changes)
Edit h. to the point

Слайд 7 Match the words to their definitions

Match the words to their definitions Admit Device Social life Techno

Social life
Techno freak
Voice recorder
University lectures

It goes without saying

The time you spend with your friends
enjoying yourself
b. Say something is true, confess
c. A device that can record speech
A piece of equipment that has been
invented for a particular purpose
e. Someone who is extremely interested
in technology
To save, keep
Classes at university given by professors
Customers, people you are working on
behalf of
j. It is obvious, clear

Слайд 8 Translation
Я рассматриваю карьеру фотографа.
Я должен признать,

Translation Я рассматриваю карьеру фотографа. Я должен признать, что не могу

что не могу представить свою жизнь без мобильного телефона.

Мобильный телефон помогает мне организовать мою общественную жизнь.
Я должен признать, что я фанат техники.
Я записываю университетские лекции на мой диктофон.
Это очень удобно.
Мне стыдно признаться, но я очень увлечён (на крючке) моей игровой приставкой.
Само собой разумеется я не могу жить без моего ноутбука.
Кроме работы у меня страсть к фотографии.
Я редактирую фотографии с помощью программного обеспечения на моём ноутбуке.

Слайд 9 Interview
Ask your friends then report what they

Interview Ask your friends then report what they say. What gadgets

What gadgets do you have?
What do you

do with your gadgets?
What gadget you couldn’t live without?

Dan has got a PDA, a mobile phone and an MP3 player.
He uses mobile phone to call his friends and parents, his PDA to …
He couldn’t live without his MP3 player because he is crazy about listening to music.
St. B. Ex. 1 p. 165

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