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Презентация на тему урока по теме День рождение Слоненка. Повторение простого прошедшего времени по УМК “Enjoy English 4” М.З. Биболетова

Read and complete the letter. Use the verbs in Past Simple. The Baby Elephant …………. (have) a birthday. Many friends ………….. (come) to his house. They …………. (give) him a lot of presents. The monkeys
Baby Elephant’s birthday Read and complete the letter.  Use the verbs in Past Simple. Расшифруй поговоркуThere is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes. А) Let’s play with dolls too. Dress them for winter/ for spring. Describe Let’s play computer game: Find 13 words (clothes) Let’s go to the shop and buy food for a birthday party. Draw the birthday postcard for the Baby ElephantDear Baby Elephant!Happy birthday to At home:  Project 3 “MFM for Stars” (Modern Fashion Magazine for See you!  Bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read and complete the letter. Use the verbs

Read and complete the letter. Use the verbs in Past Simple.

in Past Simple.
The Baby Elephant …………. (have) a

birthday. Many friends ………….. (come) to his house. They …………. (give) him a lot of presents. The monkeys …………. (bring) a ball. The lions ………………. (present) him with 2 dolls and clothes. The elephant’s parents ………………… (buy) a computer game. The baby elephant ……………… (be) very glad. He ……………….. (want) to play with dolls.

Слайд 3 Расшифруй поговорку
There is no bad weather, there are

Расшифруй поговоркуThere is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes.

only bad clothes.
А) Нет плохой погоды. Есть плохое

время года.
Б) Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда.
В) В плохую погоду никакая одежда не спасет.

Слайд 4

Let’s play with dolls too. Dress them for

Let’s play with dolls too. Dress them for winter/ for spring.

winter/ for spring. Describe your doll.
He/ She has got

…. on.


Слайд 5 Let’s play computer game: Find 13 words (clothes)

Let’s play computer game: Find 13 words (clothes)

Слайд 6 Let’s go to the shop and buy food

Let’s go to the shop and buy food for a birthday

for a birthday party. But the baby elephant doesn’t

like fast food.

Слайд 7 Draw the birthday postcard for the Baby Elephant


Draw the birthday postcard for the Baby ElephantDear Baby Elephant!Happy birthday

Baby Elephant!
Happy birthday to you!
Best wishes!
Your friend

Слайд 8 At home: Project 3 “MFM for Stars” (Modern

At home: Project 3 “MFM for Stars” (Modern Fashion Magazine for

Fashion Magazine for Stars) – p. 79 (WB)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uroka-po-teme-den-rozhdenie-slonenka-povtorenie-prostogo-proshedshego-vremeni-po-umk-“enjoy-english-4”-mz-biboletova.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 188
  • Количество скачиваний: 4