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Презентация на тему Ситуационная задача в рамках темы Проблемы окружающей среды

Личностно-значимый вопрос.VideoQuotations: “A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt “The earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of its disease is called man.” Friedrich Nietzche
Ситуационная задача  “…till the well is dry” Составитель: Макарова М.Ю., учитель английского языка Личностно-значимый вопрос.VideoQuotations:  “A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” Franklin Личностно-значимый вопрос Am I an environmentally-friendly person? 1. Ознакомление Look through the texts  and make the list of 2. Понимание1) Think of the reason/reasons of the problems.  Complete the 3. Применение Which of these problems is the most important? Give argument/arguments.  Write it/them down. 4. Анализ  Name the problems (not less than 4), speak about 4. Анализ  Present your ideas in 5-6 sentences. 5.Синтез  What steps can be taken to improve ecological situation? 5. Синтез  Draw the posters connected with the problems  destroying our planet. 5. Синтез 6. Оценка  Project work “Earth Day”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Личностно-значимый вопрос.

“A nation that destroys its

Личностно-значимый вопрос.VideoQuotations: “A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” Franklin

soil, destroys itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The earth has

a skin and that skin has diseases, one of its disease is called man.” Friedrich Nietzche

Слайд 3 Личностно-значимый вопрос

Am I an environmentally-friendly person?

Личностно-значимый вопрос Am I an environmentally-friendly person?

Слайд 4 1. Ознакомление
Look through the texts

1. Ознакомление Look through the texts and make the list of

make the list of the
main problems.
Complete the


Слайд 5 2. Понимание
1) Think of the reason/reasons of the

2. Понимание1) Think of the reason/reasons of the problems.  Complete

Complete the table.

2) Suggest the way/ways

of solving these problems.
Complete the table.

Слайд 6 3. Применение
Which of these problems is the

3. Применение Which of these problems is the most important? Give argument/arguments. Write it/them down.

most important?
Give argument/arguments.
Write it/them down.

Слайд 7 4. Анализ
Name the problems (not less

4. Анализ Name the problems (not less than 4), speak about

than 4), speak about their reasons
and give

your own
suggestions of their

Слайд 8 4. Анализ
Present your ideas in 5-6

4. Анализ Present your ideas in 5-6 sentences.


Слайд 9 5.Синтез
What steps can be taken to

5.Синтез What steps can be taken to improve ecological situation? Think

improve ecological situation?
Think of two “DOs” and

Complete the table.

!!! Find the examples in the
texts given.

Слайд 10 5. Синтез
Draw the posters connected with

5. Синтез Draw the posters connected with the problems destroying our planet.

the problems destroying our planet.

Слайд 11 5. Синтез

5. Синтез

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-situatsionnaya-zadacha-v-ramkah-temy-problemy-okruzhayushchey-sredy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 0