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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Хэллоуин

Anastasia-It’s scary here. It’s so dark.Diana-Don’t be scared like a hare. We are together, you are not alone.Anastasia-In the films first people are together and then…Diana-What do you think can happen? But I am at home
HALLOWEEN  HORROR STORY Anastasia-It’s scary here. It’s so dark.Diana-Don’t be scared like a hare. We Vampire-Are you ready to leave your family ,friends and school?And what’s more, Sevastpol.Diana’s house Diana-Oh, I am so tired after my dancing classes. Mom , what (In the dark street)Dark Angel-So the last chance . You should do (Diana is going to dance on the stage)Anastasia-This is my last chance ( At Vampire’s Castle)Dark Angel- You are hopeless! You are too . ON THE PHONE.(Anastasia is sleeping)Diana-Hello,Anastasia? Where are you?Have you fallen asleep?Get Producer –Natalya Alexeevna Golubeva Anastasia - Nastya Novikova Vampire – Katrin Shved The friend & ballerina- Diana Ivanisheva Witch- Ann Pronina Angel of Darkness – Nadin MalahovaThe story has been created and performed
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 6 Anastasia-It’s scary here. It’s so dark.
Diana-Don’t be scared

Anastasia-It’s scary here. It’s so dark.Diana-Don’t be scared like a hare.

like a hare. We are together, you are not

Anastasia-In the films first people are together and then…
Diana-What do you think can happen? But I am at home now. Goodbye, see you at the practice class.
Anastasia-See you. It’s fearful heae, but stop. Stop thinking about scary things . I am not afraid!
( Vampire appears)
Vampire-What are you talking about?
Anastasia-I am not afraid! But who is this?
Vampire-Hello. M… I can smell blood from you . I think I can have a good supper. And my friends witches , the Devil and Freddy will get some meat too. They will be very pleased!
Anastasia-Don’t eat me ! I’m very thin.Oh, you are a vampire. It’s cool. Turn me into a vampire,please. I beg you! I’ve been thinking about it for a long time !I’ve read a very interesting book called «The Vampire Diaries»
Vampire-Aren’t you afraid of me ?Only nonsense is written in this book ! Vampires can’t be kind.
Anastasia-But I’d like to be a vampire too.

Слайд 7 Vampire-Are you ready to leave your family ,friends

Vampire-Are you ready to leave your family ,friends and school?And what’s

and school?And what’s more, are you ready to die

and to be born again?
Anastasia-So, as for the school it’s ok. I can leave it and I won’t even miss it . And as for being born again, it’s nice too.
Vampire-I don’t know, I think I should ask my family .
(Freddy, Dark Angel, Elena Gilbert appear)
Freddy- Who’s that? Why is the food alive?
Dark Angel- Shall I do all the dirty job again?
Elena Gilbert-I would like, I want .
Freddy-I will do it better.
Elena Gilbert-No, get aside or I’ll beat you .
Dark Angel- Freddy Kruger, Elena Gilbert! We are having guests.Behave yourselves!
Vampire-This is our guest.She begs me to turn her into a vampire .
Elena Gilbert-I don’t like the idea . Last time when you tried to eat me I could get away ! It was not very pleasant .And why do you smell me at nights? Am I tasty ?
Vampire-Yes ,you are.
Dark Angel- As for me , I don’t want a new vampire either .I don’t want to clean twice as much . And you are having so many problems !
Freddy-Yes , you are right. And I don’t want to learn a new name ! Look ! The girl is blond , I’m sure , she ’s stupid and she ’s very thin. We won’t be able to feed her for the holiday .
Dark Angel-OK, I think I’ll give you 3 tests and the first test will begin at once . If you do the tests you’ll stay with us , if you don’t do them you’ll go home . And don’t ask me questions I’m a dark angel. I can’t stand kindness . Now, the first test .
Elena Gilbert- I’m the first! Can vampires be in the sun?
Anastasia-No, they can’t.
Elena Gilbert-Yes,they can. On the day of Halloween ! Ha Ha Ha
Dark Angel- How can a vampire be killed?
Anastasia-A stick into the heart! And there is a special plant that can do vampires harm.
Dark Angel-No, you are wrong ! There is not such a plant and vampires are afraid of the fire .
Freddy - What is your name?
Anastasia - Anastasia
Freddy- You’ve failed!The name is too long ! I won’t be able to learn it .
Dark Angel-What do vampires eat?
Anastasia- Oh, it’s simple . They eat ,not drink , blood.
Vampire-People’s blood?
Anastasia-Yes, but they can drink the blood of animals as well.
Vampire-No, vampires drink only human’s blood .
Dark Angel- You’ve failed . Now you’re having the second chance .Drop a very expensive vase and pretend that it was Diana who dropped it . Let her mom scold her!
Anastasia-Diana , but she’s my best friend …

Слайд 8
Sevastpol.Diana’s house

Sevastpol.Diana’s house

Слайд 9 Diana-Oh, I am so tired after my dancing

Diana-Oh, I am so tired after my dancing classes. Mom ,

classes. Mom , what are we having for dinner

Mother-Cutlets and macaroni , honey ,which dance were you training ?
Diana- We were choosing Halloween’s costumes and tomorrow we’ll go and ask for money and sweets . We have already thought over what we’ll say .
Mother-Oh,I want to listen to you and maybe I’ll give you some thing but try your best ! And what are you going to be ?I’ve forgotten to ask you before .
Diana-We are going to be vampires . We are wicked vampires from the dark underground ,we’ll drink your blood if you don’t give us sweets and money.
Mother-Ha,ha Not bad !I remember the time when I was a child . We liked to pretend to be witches . Here is the money for you! Agreed?
Diana- Yes, of course ( Her vase is falling ). Oh mom , I am so sorry . I haven’t seen the vase.
Mother-Oh, my vase. When are you going to be attentive and careful? So let me embrace you, I don’t want to quarrel with you .
Diana-Oh, I love you so much .

Слайд 10
(In the dark street)
Dark Angel-So the last chance

(In the dark street)Dark Angel-So the last chance . You should

. You should do your best to quarrel them

. Don’t forget, we are angry ,not kind!
Elena Gilbert-Yes, have you understood? We are wicked .
Freddy- Boo,wicked,very wicked!
Elena Gilbert-We are very wicked!
Dark Angel- Don’t interfere ! You are not babies , are you?
Vampire-She is a child, it’s clear, but Freddy is stupid . He was a hit in 1990s and now he is losing his power.
Anastasia- I’ve understood all. What shall I do?
Dark Angel-This is about Diana’s future . I want you to make her fail at the concert and her mom will be disappointed with her!
Anastasia-But this is Diana , she is a grown up. And her mom is very clever ! What should I do ?I am not quite sure !

Слайд 12
(Diana is going to dance on the stage)

(Diana is going to dance on the stage)Anastasia-This is my last

is my last chance so,I’ll turn on the magic

music and switch off the light ! (Switches off the light)
Diana - A?What is this? I won’t let you spoil my dance .
( She switches on the light and dances very beautifully. All the people applaud)

Слайд 13
( At Vampire’s Castle)
Dark Angel- You are

( At Vampire’s Castle)Dark Angel- You are hopeless! You are

hopeless! You are too kind.You can’t be a vampire

. In your world you are needed more . There are your friends and family there.
Freddy-Yes, and your name is too long . I don’t like you.I have a strange feeling . I want to pet you .
Vampire-And I want to tell you that you must be what you are . Don’t change yourself . If you are kind you won’t be wicked .
Anastasia-Thanks a lot . I’ve understood at last I don’t want to be a vampire ! I want to go home. Goodbye.

Слайд 14 .
ON THE PHONE.(Anastasia is sleeping)
Diana-Hello,Anastasia? Where are

. ON THE PHONE.(Anastasia is sleeping)Diana-Hello,Anastasia? Where are you?Have you fallen

you?Have you fallen asleep?Get ready , we are going

to have a party .
Anastasia - Oh,it was a dream .

Слайд 15 Producer –Natalya Alexeevna Golubeva

Producer –Natalya Alexeevna Golubeva

Слайд 16 Anastasia - Nastya Novikova

Anastasia - Nastya Novikova

Слайд 17 Vampire – Katrin Shved

Vampire – Katrin Shved

Слайд 18 The friend & ballerina- Diana Ivanisheva

The friend & ballerina- Diana Ivanisheva

Слайд 19 Witch- Ann Pronina

Witch- Ann Pronina

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-hellouin.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
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