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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Виртуальный компьютер

Power Supply
Our virtual computer Power Supply Power Supply  A power supply provides the needed voltage to power Motherboard Motherboard  The motherboard is the main printed circuit board that connects Adapter cards Adapter cards   Adapter cards are installed on the motherboard to Internal drives Internal drives   The hard disk drive (HDD) is a magnetic Drives in external bays Drives in external bays    The CD-RW/DVD drive is an Internal cables Internal cables   We must connect all internal cables to the External cables External cables  Now we are ready to connect the external cables Our virtual computer is ready
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Power Supply

Power Supply

Слайд 3 Power Supply
A power supply provides the

Power Supply A power supply provides the needed voltage to power

needed voltage to power the various electronic circuits that

make up the PC.

Слайд 4 Motherboard


Слайд 5 Motherboard
The motherboard is the main printed

Motherboard The motherboard is the main printed circuit board that connects

circuit board that connects all the components of the

On the motherboard, we will work with the following components:
Thermal compound
CPU heat sink/fan assembly
RAM module (2)

Слайд 6 Adapter cards

Adapter cards

Слайд 7 Adapter cards
Adapter cards are installed

Adapter cards  Adapter cards are installed on the motherboard to

on the motherboard to add functionality to your computer.

A network interface card (NIC) is an adapter card used to connect your computer to a network.
A wireless NIC is an adapter card used to connect your computer to another computer or a wireless access point using radio signals.
A video adapter is an adapter card that sends data to a computer display.

Слайд 8 Internal drives

Internal drives

Слайд 9 Internal drives

The hard disk drive

Internal drives  The hard disk drive (HDD) is a magnetic

(HDD) is a magnetic drive that stores large amounts

of data on fixed media.

Слайд 10 Drives in external bays

Drives in external bays

Слайд 11 Drives in external bays


Drives in external bays  The CD-RW/DVD drive is an optical

CD-RW/DVD drive is an optical storage device that reads

and writes information to CDs and reads DVDs.
A floppy disk drive (FDD) is a magnetic drive that reads and writes information to floppy diskettes.

Слайд 12 Internal cables

Internal cables

Слайд 13 Internal cables
We must connect all

Internal cables  We must connect all internal cables to the

internal cables to the appropriate computer components.

We must be sure to match Pin 1 to Pin 1 when connecting cables to the devices.
We must connect the cables to the devices:
* 20-pin ATX Power
* 4-pin Auxiliary Power
* SATA Power
* Molex Power
* Berg Power
* Case Fan Power
* Floppy Drive

Слайд 14 External cables

External cables

Слайд 15 External cables
Now we are ready to

External cables Now we are ready to connect the external cables

connect the external cables to the ports on the

back of the computer.
We must connect the cables to the computer:
* Monitor
* Keyboard
* Mouse
* Ethernet
* Wireless Antenna
* Power

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-virtualnyy-kompyuter.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0