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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему George Washington

George Washington
How many terms can the president of the USA be elected?How old George Washington Aims: to get more information about the biography of the first president Founder- негізін қалаушыManor-жекежайWealthy family- бай отбасыSlight- азғантайSurveyor- жер өлшеушіMilitary experience- әскери тәжірибеCommander-in-chief- The Americans often call this man “The Father of our country”.And of The first president of the USA His formal education was slight:no more than 7-8 years of school. Men, At the age of 14 he began to work as a surveyor,which His first military experience came in the French and Indian wars (1754-1763).In In 1759,in January he married to Martha Dandridge,a rich widow.They had In 1787 George Washington took part in writing the Constitution for the In 1792 George Washington was elected President of the USA for the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 George Washington

George Washington

Слайд 3 Aims:
to get more information about the biography

Aims: to get more information about the biography of the first

of the first president of the USA George Washington

Слайд 4 Founder- негізін қалаушы
Wealthy family- бай отбасы
Slight- азғантай
Surveyor- жер

Founder- негізін қалаушыManor-жекежайWealthy family- бай отбасыSlight- азғантайSurveyor- жер өлшеушіMilitary experience- әскери

Military experience- әскери тәжірибе
Commander-in-chief- әскери қолбасшы
Unanmously- бірауыздан
Family vault- отбасылық


Слайд 5 The Americans often call this man “The Father

The Americans often call this man “The Father of our country”.And

of our country”.And of course, he was one of

the founders of the USA.For nearly twenty years he guided his country much as father cares for a growing child.

Слайд 6 The first president of the USA

The first president of the USA    G. Washington

G. Washington was born on

the 22nd of February, 1732 in Virginia in a wealthy family, in a manor
Mount Vernon

Слайд 7 His formal education was slight:no more than 7-8

His formal education was slight:no more than 7-8 years of school.

years of school. Men, plantation life,and the haunts of

river,fields and forests were his principal teachers.His favourite subject was arithmetic.He studied enough Geography to know something of the outside world.But he never learned very much about literature,foreign languages and History.

Слайд 8 At the age of 14 he began to

At the age of 14 he began to work as a

work as a surveyor,which is a way of taking

measures and making maps, making many trips into the wilderness areas of Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Слайд 9 His first military experience came in the French

His first military experience came in the French and Indian wars

and Indian wars
In 1754 he fought against 300

French soldiers ,by this time he was a colonel.
A year later, in 1755 he was elected a commander-in- chief of the Continental Army

Слайд 10 In 1759,in January he married to Martha

In 1759,in January he married to Martha Dandridge,a rich widow.They

Dandridge,a rich widow.They had no children.He was a progressive

farmer at that time

Слайд 11 In 1787 George Washington took part in writing

In 1787 George Washington took part in writing the Constitution for

the Constitution for the new country.
After the Constitution had

been ratified in 1789,on 30th of April Washington was unanimously elected to be the president. He still remains the only president who received 100% of electoral votes.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-george-washington.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0