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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Олимпийские игры

Homeland of the first Olympic games - Ancient Greece. The city of Olympia were held competitions - the Olympic Games. They were held every four years.
Олимпийские игрыAfoshina Angelina 911 Group Homeland of the first Olympic games - Ancient Greece. The The opening and closing ceremoniesOLYMPIK SYMBOLSThe parade of nations always goes first Awarding medals to the winners and prize-winners of the competitionOLYMPIK SYMBOLSOlympic Lighting Olympic flame All Olympic Games begin with the lighting of a Olympic flag Olympic flag - a white cloth of 2x3 m Olympic ringsFive rings, five laps -Sign of the five continents.The sign, which Olympic mascot  Talisman may be any existing or imaginary, animate OLYMPIC GAMES IN OUR COUNTRY Summer Games in Moscow  in 1980 year.Winter Quiz 1.The birthplace of the Olympic Games? Quiz 3. How often are held the Olympic games? Quiz 4.What begins Olympiad? Quiz 5. What is white Olympic flag? Quiz 7. What do the different colors of the rings? Quiz 6.The main award at the Olympics? 2016 year Rio de JaneiroBrazilSummer Olympics
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Homeland of the first Olympic games - Ancient

Homeland of the first Olympic games - Ancient Greece. The

Greece. The city of Olympia were held competitions -

the Olympic Games. They were held every four years.

Слайд 3 The opening and closing ceremonies
The parade of

The opening and closing ceremoniesOLYMPIK SYMBOLSThe parade of nations always goes

nations always goes first Greek team. Next country teams

are in alphabetical order. Closes the parade of the host country of the Games team.

Слайд 4 Awarding medals to the winners and prize-winners

Awarding medals to the winners and prize-winners of the competitionOLYMPIK

of the competition

Olympic medals: gold, silver and bronze

are awarded three athletes, who showed the best results in the competition. In team sports, the equal dignity of the coin get all the team members.

Слайд 5 Lighting Olympic flame
All Olympic Games begin with

Lighting Olympic flame All Olympic Games begin with the lighting of

the lighting of a fire. The fire is lit

from the sun's rays at Olympia, and delivered torch relay athletes in the city - the organizer of the games.

Слайд 6 Olympic flag
Olympic flag - a white

Olympic flag Olympic flag - a white cloth of 2x3

cloth of 2x3 m with five interlaced rings, as

the unity of athletes from five continents of the globe.
During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games raised the Olympic flag and anthem sounds of the Olympic Games. The flag is white, signifying peace during the Games.

Слайд 7 Olympic rings
Five rings, five laps -
Sign of the

Olympic ringsFive rings, five laps -Sign of the five continents.The sign,

five continents.
The sign, which means
The fact that the sport

as a mutual friend,
We invite all nations,
In his World, a peace circle

Blue -Europe
Black -Afrika
Red -America
Yellow -Asia
Green -Avstraliya

Слайд 8 Olympic mascot
Talisman may be any

Olympic mascot Talisman may be any existing or imaginary, animate

existing or imaginary, animate or inanimate object, which should

be a reflection of the national and cultural characteristics of the host country of the Olympic Games.

Summer Games in

OLYMPIC GAMES IN OUR COUNTRY Summer Games in Moscow  in 1980

  in 1980 year.
Winter games in Sochi
in 2014 year.

Слайд 10 Quiz

1.The birthplace of the Olympic Games?

Quiz 1.The birthplace of the Olympic Games?

Слайд 11 Quiz

3. How often are held the Olympic

Quiz 3. How often are held the Olympic games?


Слайд 12 Quiz

4.What begins Olympiad?

Quiz 4.What begins Olympiad?

Слайд 13 Quiz

5. What is white Olympic flag?

Quiz 5. What is white Olympic flag?

Слайд 14 Quiz

7. What do the different colors of

Quiz 7. What do the different colors of the rings?

the rings?

Слайд 15 Quiz

6.The main award at the Olympics?

Quiz 6.The main award at the Olympics?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-olimpiyskie-igry.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0