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Презентация на тему по теме: Настоящее длительное время

ALL THROUGH THE NIGHTWhile the moon her watch is keeping,All through the night,While the weary world is sleeping,All through the night.Love, to thee my thoughts are turning,All through the night,And for thee my heart is yearning,All
ENGLISH THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS ALL THROUGH THE NIGHTWhile the moon her watch is keeping,All through the GRAMMAR FOCUS I am driving.He/She/It is driving.We/They/You are driving Talk about what the people are doing.They / singHe / workHe / play RULE 1 We use the present continuous when we talk about something RULE 2 We also use the present continuous when we talk about RULE 3 We often use the present continuous when we talk about RULE 4 We use the present continuous when we talk about changing READING Hi!Barbados is great! We are having a wonderful time and swimming WRITING Hi…!Here I am in… . I am having a/an…time. I am( Презентация к уроку английского языка Учитель английского языка Субботина Е.В. ГОУСОШ №93
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

While the moon her watch

ALL THROUGH THE NIGHTWhile the moon her watch is keeping,All through

is keeping,
All through the night,
While the weary world is

All through the night.
Love, to thee my thoughts are turning,
All through the night,
And for thee my heart is yearning,
All through the night.
Welsh melody.

I am driving.
He/She/It is driving.
We/They/You are

GRAMMAR FOCUS I am driving.He/She/It is driving.We/They/You are driving


Слайд 4 Talk about what the people are doing.
They /

Talk about what the people are doing.They / singHe / workHe / play

He / work
He / play

Слайд 5 RULE 1
We use the present continuous when

RULE 1 We use the present continuous when we talk about

we talk about something which is happening at the

time of speaking:
-” Where is Margaret?”
-” She is running.”

Слайд 6 RULE 2
We also use the present continuous

RULE 2 We also use the present continuous when we talk

when we talk about something which is happening around,

the time of speaking, but not exactly at the time of speaking:
-Tom and Ann are talking and sitting. ( Tom says:” I am reading an interesting book now.”

Слайд 7 RULE 3
We often use the present continuous

RULE 3 We often use the present continuous when we talk

when we talk about a period around the present.

For example: today, this season, etc. ; (-” You are working hard today.”)

Слайд 8 RULE 4
We use the present continuous when

RULE 4 We use the present continuous when we talk about

we talk about changing situations:
-The population of the world

is rising very fast.

Barbados is great! We are having a

READING Hi!Barbados is great! We are having a wonderful time and

wonderful time and swimming every day. I am getting

quite fit. I am writing this card in a bar on the beach, drinking some juice. Keith is learning to windsurf at the moment.
See you next week- maybe!

Слайд 10 WRITING
Here I am in… . I am

WRITING Hi…!Here I am in… . I am having a/an…time. I

having a/an…time. I am( say what you are doing).

I am writing this card in/on
( say where).
See you( say when).
Best wishes,...

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