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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Fish and chips (6 класс)

The origin of the dish is lost in centuries. Perhaps his constituents came to England in different ways: French fries from France, and the fish — old product. But it became a national dish only in
The origin of the dish is lost in centuries. Perhaps his constituents The history of this dish began with the Victorian Britain, with the During the second world war, this dish was not issued on the In 1935, someone came up with the idea to deliver Fish & Fish and chips are now a staple takeaway meal in numerous countries, Many British villages, suburbs, towns and cities have fish and chip shops, For the preparation of the dough is used flour, baking powder and Peeled potatoes cut into wedges 1,5x8 Before cooking chopped pieces of potatoes Garnish to fish with potatoes - pea puree, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers Despite the low price of this dish, it is very nutritious. The Oldham-the first diner A fish and chip shop is a form of restaurant that specialises
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The origin of the dish is lost in

The origin of the dish is lost in centuries. Perhaps his

centuries. Perhaps his constituents came to England in different

ways: French fries from France, and the fish — old product. But it became a national dish only in the XIX century. The basis of its successful promotion were small family businesses, traditionally selling various snacks on the streets of London and other major cities in Northern England. London from the day of its Foundation was the center of trade in fish, and in the North the main food was potatoes. First, however, not fried slices of potato, and slices of bread. But with the increase in consumption of food and the reduction of stocks of white bread it gradually replaced the potatoes, which was, however, to the benefit of the dish, which became a popular national food.
The first fish & Chips eateries opened in East London in 1860 and then spread throughout the country. By 1900, there were more than 30,000 eateries in the UK, then United in the national Federation of fryers. During the first world war, this low-cost, nutritious dish helped to avoid hunger in the poorest social strata of the country.

Слайд 3 The history of this dish began with the

The history of this dish began with the Victorian Britain, with

Victorian Britain, with the industrial revolution . Fish and

chips was a workers ' dish. But we can not say that this is a British dish. After all, the population of Britain consisted and consists of different races, nationalities and no one knows who decided to make one dish of French fries and fish in batter. Someone believes that it is necessary to pay tribute to the Jews for the idea of creating fish in batter and the French for the idea of creating French fries and thank the British for creating one dish of the two components.

Слайд 4 During the second world war, this dish was

During the second world war, this dish was not issued on

not issued on the cards, unlike most products and

was included in the diet of the troops. Evacuated to the countryside citizens also fed them, delivering on a special truck Fish and Chips.

Слайд 5 In 1935, someone came up with the idea

In 1935, someone came up with the idea to deliver Fish

to deliver Fish & Chips on a motorcycle, so

there was the first delivery of fast food.

Слайд 6 Fish and chips are now a staple takeaway

Fish and chips are now a staple takeaway meal in numerous

meal in numerous countries, particularly in English-speaking commonwealth countries

including Australia and New Zealand.

Слайд 7 Many British villages, suburbs, towns and cities have

Many British villages, suburbs, towns and cities have fish and chip

fish and chip shops, especially near coastal regions.
Fish and

chip outlets sell roughly 30% of all the white fish consumed in the United Kingdom, and use 10% of the UK potato crop.

The first place among the fish used for this dish, and is traditionally cod, but good for other fish with white meat: haddock, whiting, saithe, plaice. In a good snack "Fish & Chips" visitors are always offered fish for every taste. An important condition that the fish was fresh. Early in the morning it is bought in the fish market.

Слайд 8 For the preparation of the dough is used

For the preparation of the dough is used flour, baking powder

flour, baking powder and dark English ale. All components

are mixed to the consistency of thick pancake dough. Fish fillet is cut into slices 2-3 cm thick, sprinkled with corn starch and dipped into the dough. Then the fish pieces are fried in boiling vegetable oil at a temperature of 190° until then, until they become Golden-brown. Within pieces of fish must remain juicy. In the eateries "Fish & Chips" with a good reputation as a quality mark is considered to be the simultaneous preparation of no more than 4-5 pieces of fillet, so that each visitor can get a freshly prepared portion. The dish is served hot.

Слайд 9 Peeled potatoes cut into wedges 1,5x8 Before cooking

Peeled potatoes cut into wedges 1,5x8 Before cooking chopped pieces of

chopped pieces of potatoes for a while put in

cold water to remove excess starch. Then dried potatoes are distributed in one layer in a sieve and lowered into a hot fat or oil. The ideal cooking temperature is 185°. Potatoes are ready in 4-6 minutes, when the pieces will get a Golden yellow hue and a brown, soft crust. Potatoes should not be hard or too dark. At home cooking, the potatoes are wrapped in paper to reduce the fat content, and then again lowered into the deep fryer for 2-3 minutes . In southern and Central England, as well as in Western Scotland, potatoes are served with salt and malt vinegar, and in Northern and Eastern Scotland with salt and savory sauce.

Слайд 10 Garnish to fish with potatoes - pea puree,

Garnish to fish with potatoes - pea puree, pickled onions, pickled

pickled onions, pickled cucumbers or stewed in tomato sauce

beans. Addition to this dish is a large cup of tea.

Слайд 11 Despite the low price of this dish, it

Despite the low price of this dish, it is very nutritious.

is very nutritious. The composition of this dish includes

protein, iron, vitamins and fiber, which provide 1/3 of the daily dose of vitamins for men and most women. In 1999, the British consumed about 300 million portions of fish and chips. Currently, throughout the UK there are about 8,500 stores that sell fish in batter with potatoes.

Слайд 12 Oldham-the first diner "Fish & Chips" in England.

Oldham-the first diner

first fish and chips shop was opened by entrepreneur

Joseph Marlin in 1860 and John Fox in 1863. In 40 years about 5 thousand shops "fish and chips“ were opened. The dish became so popular that one shop in Bradford had to hire a doorman who controlled a long queue.

Слайд 13 A fish and chip shop is a form

A fish and chip shop is a form of restaurant that

of restaurant that specialises in selling fish and chips.

Usually, fish and chip shops provide takeaway service, although some have seating facilities. Variations on the name include fish bar, fish shop and chip shop. In the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, they are colloquially known as a "chippy", while in the rest of Ireland they are known as "chippers". Fish and chip shops may also sell other foods, including variations on their core offering such as battered sausage and burgers, to regional cuisine such as Indian or Chinese food.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-fish-and-chips-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 187
  • Количество скачиваний: 1