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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме Работа с песенным материалом - LP - Numb

Exercise 1.What is the song about? Choose the right variant:1. A) The boy feels energetic. B) The boy feels tired.2. A) The boy wants to be himself. B) The boy wants to be like
WORK by SONG Exercise 1.What is the song about? Choose the right variant:1. A) The Exercise 2.Match a word and its translation.1) numb											   a) душить2) Exercise 3.Match a line in A with a line in B. Then Exercise 4.Make up a story about the relationship between a boy and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Exercise 1.
What is the song about? Choose the

Exercise 1.What is the song about? Choose the right variant:1. A)

right variant:
1. A) The boy feels energetic.

The boy feels tired.
2. A) The boy wants to be himself.
B) The boy wants to be like another person.
3. A) The girl wants the boy to go away.
B) The girl wants the boy to be with her.

Слайд 4 Exercise 2.
Match a word and its translation.
1) numb

Exercise 2.Match a word and its translation.1) numb											  a) душить2)

a) душить
2) faithless b) провалиться, стать неудачником
3) smother

c) разочаровать
4) fail d) оцепеневший
5) waste e) разуверившийся
6) disappoint f) тратить

Слайд 5 Exercise 3.
Match a line in A with a

Exercise 3.Match a line in A with a line in B.

line in B. Then use these expressions in the

sentences of your own.
1) to lose a) up
2) under b) tightly
3) hold c) pressure
4) fell d) control
5) waste e) a step
6) end f) apart
7) take g) a second

Example: 1) Alice lost control over the situation and began to cry.

Слайд 6 Exercise 4.
Make up a story about the relationship

Exercise 4.Make up a story about the relationship between a boy

between a boy and a girl, using this song.

Tell it to the partner. Compare your stories. Which story is more exciting and interesting?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-rabota-s-pesennym-materialom-lp-numb.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0