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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 5 классе Теле-семьи

What is the cartoon about?Who are the main characters?Is it a real family or TV family?
TV FamiliesУчитель английского языкаВедина И.В.МОУ «СОШ № 50»Г. Магнитогорска What is the cartoon about?Who are the main characters?Is it a real family or TV family? Do you know Russian TV families? FamilyThe family is …(big, small)They are ….(7) in the family.They are…They can…They can/t… He (she) is…He (she) has got…He can…She can’t… They are similar because:They are…They have got…They can…They like…They are different because:The Home taskУчебник с.63 у. 1, 2 (прочитать и найдите в тексте прилагательные,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is the cartoon about?
Who are the main

What is the cartoon about?Who are the main characters?Is it a real family or TV family?

Is it a real family or TV family?

Слайд 4 Do you know Russian TV families?

Do you know Russian TV families?

Слайд 5 Family
The family is …(big, small)
They are ….(7) in

FamilyThe family is …(big, small)They are ….(7) in the family.They are…They can…They can/t…

the family.
They are…
They can…
They can/t…

Слайд 6 He (she) is…
He (she) has got…
He can…
She can’t…

He (she) is…He (she) has got…He can…She can’t…

Слайд 7 They are similar because:
They are…
They have got…
They can…

They are similar because:They are…They have got…They can…They like…They are different


They are different because:
The Barboskins are…
The Simpsons are…
He can…

He never plays..

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-5-klasse-tele-semi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 1