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Презентация на тему по теме Человек-дитя природы(наводнения)

Flooding in the Yellow RiverFlooding in the Yellow River, in 1887 and 1938, about 900 thousand and 500 thousand dead, respectively. In 1887, for many days in the province of Henan were torrential rains, and on
Lyceum №1     Flooding in the Yellow River Flooding in the Yellow RiverFlooding in the Yellow River, in 1887 and Soon the water reached located in the province of Zhengzhou City, and A flood in 1938 on the same river was provoked by the So, in June 1938 the Japanese took control of the entire northern To prevent this, the Chinese government in central China has decided to As a result of the floods destroyed thousands of square kilometers of Interestingly, the value of this strategy, the Chinese government has been questioned. Because The end
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Слайд 2 Flooding in the Yellow River
Flooding in the Yellow

Flooding in the Yellow RiverFlooding in the Yellow River, in 1887

River, in 1887 and 1938, about 900 thousand and

500 thousand dead, respectively. In 1887, for many days in the province of Henan were torrential rains, and on September 28, had risen in the river water of the Yellow River broke through dikes.

Слайд 3 Soon the water reached located in the province

Soon the water reached located in the province of Zhengzhou City,

of Zhengzhou City, and then spread throughout the northern

part of China, which occupies about 130,000 square kilometers. Due to the flooding of about two million people in China were left homeless, and about 900 thousand people were killed.

Слайд 4 A flood in 1938 on the same river

A flood in 1938 on the same river was provoked by

was provoked by the nationalist government in Central China

at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War. This was done in order to stop the rapidly advancing in the central part of China, Japanese troops. Subsequently, the flood has been called "the greatest act of ecological war in history."

Слайд 5 So, in June 1938 the Japanese took control

So, in June 1938 the Japanese took control of the entire

of the entire northern part of China, and on

June 6, they captured Kaifeng, the capital of Henan province, Zhengzhou and threatened to seize, which is near the intersection of important railway Beijing-Guangzhou and Xian Lianyungang. If the Japanese army was able to do it, it would have been under the threat of such major Chinese cities such as Wuhan and Xi'an.

Слайд 6 To prevent this, the Chinese government in central

To prevent this, the Chinese government in central China has decided

China has decided to open the dam on the

Yellow River near the city of Zhengzhou. Water flooded the river adjacent to Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu.

Soldiers of the National Revolutionary Army during the flood on the Yellow River in 1938.

Слайд 7 As a result of the floods destroyed thousands

As a result of the floods destroyed thousands of square kilometers

of square kilometers of agricultural land and many villages.

Refugees began a few million people. According to initial data of China, sank about 800 thousand people. Nowadays, however, researchers studying the archives of the disaster, claiming that killed far fewer people - about 400 - 500 thousand.

Refugees have appeared after the flood in 1983.

Слайд 8 Interestingly, the value of this strategy, the Chinese

Interestingly, the value of this strategy, the Chinese government has been

government has been questioned. Because according to some reports, the

Japanese army at the time were far from the flooded areas. And although their offensive in Zhengzhou has been prevented, the Japanese took Wuhan in October.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-chelovek-ditya-prirodynavodneniya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0