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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Достопримечательности города

There is an exceptional monument in Voronezh. This is the legendary Rotunda.
«Breathtaking places»Выполнила: Дорофеева Виктория 11 «Б» There is an exceptional monument in Voronezh. This is the legendary Rotunda. A word “Rotunda” is Italian.It comes from the Latin word “rotundus” that means “circular”. The Temples of ancient Greece and Rome, some Christian Churches of Revival The portal of the huge regional hospital for children in Voronezh also The best specialists from different states worked there. BUT SOON THE SECOND WORLD    WAR BEGAN… The battles near the hospital continued nearly two hundred and three days! Our town was destroyed after those battles. Only the dome of the wonderful regional hospital remained.  But it had a huge hole. In 1965 this building became the memorial of the Second World War. The Rotunda stands in a beautiful place, on Burdenko Street, near the The Russian specialists wanted to restore the Rotunda, but… Over 65 years, after the liberation of Voronezh from the fascists, at THANK YOU!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 There is an exceptional monument in Voronezh. This

There is an exceptional monument in Voronezh. This is the legendary Rotunda.

is the legendary Rotunda.

Слайд 3 A word “Rotunda” is Italian.

It comes from the

A word “Rotunda” is Italian.It comes from the Latin word “rotundus” that means “circular”.

Latin word “rotundus” that means “circular”.

Слайд 4 The Temples of ancient Greece and Rome, some

The Temples of ancient Greece and Rome, some Christian Churches of

Christian Churches of Revival were built like Rotunda in

circular form.

Слайд 5
The portal of the huge regional hospital for

The portal of the huge regional hospital for children in Voronezh

children in Voronezh also has this exceptional and great


Слайд 6

The best specialists from different states worked there.

The best specialists from different states worked there.

Слайд 7




Слайд 8

The battles near the hospital continued nearly two

The battles near the hospital continued nearly two hundred and three days!

hundred and three days!

Слайд 9

Our town was destroyed after those battles.

Our town was destroyed after those battles.

Слайд 10 Only the dome of the wonderful regional hospital

Only the dome of the wonderful regional hospital remained. But it had a huge hole.

remained. But it had a huge hole.

Слайд 11 In 1965 this building became the memorial of

In 1965 this building became the memorial of the Second World War.

the Second World War.

Слайд 12

The Rotunda stands in a beautiful place, on

The Rotunda stands in a beautiful place, on Burdenko Street, near

Burdenko Street, near the new hospital. And soon the

Vladimir Temple was built not far from the old hospital .

Слайд 13 The Russian specialists wanted to restore the Rotunda,

The Russian specialists wanted to restore the Rotunda, but…


Слайд 14
Over 65 years, after the liberation of Voronezh

Over 65 years, after the liberation of Voronezh from the fascists,

from the fascists, at night of the twenty third

of February in 2008, the dome of the Rotunda fell… And nobody doesn’t know about the destiny of this great monument…

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-dostoprimechatelnosti-goroda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 191
  • Количество скачиваний: 1