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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Vorticism

Vorticism is literary and artistic movement that flourished in England in 1912–15. Founded by Wyndham Lewis
София ПрокопенкоЕкатерина Цой(г. Коломна, МБОУ «Лицей №4, 10 класс)учитель ИЯ – А. И. Шилова VORTICISM Vorticism is literary and artistic movement that flourished in England in 1912–15. Ezra Pound Jacob Epstein England's first radical avant-garde group Roger Fry and Clive Bell Cubist composition and Italian Futurism “A new living abstraction“ Wyndham Lewis Lewis, the main Vorticism founder, was an iconoclast and a visionary, but Wyndham Lewis worked at Omega Workshops Kate Lechmere First exhibition at the Dore Galleries in London Penguin Club in New York City Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and  Jessica Dismorr Epstein's «Rock Drill» (1913) Wyndham Lewis tried to revive the movement with Group X Vorticism was generally little discussed by art historians, and during this time
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vorticism is literary and artistic movement that flourished

Vorticism is literary and artistic movement that flourished in England in 1912–15. Founded by Wyndham Lewis

in England in 1912–15. Founded by Wyndham Lewis

Слайд 3 Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound

Слайд 4 Jacob Epstein

Jacob Epstein

Слайд 5 England's first radical avant-garde group

England's first radical avant-garde group

Слайд 6 Roger Fry and Clive Bell

Roger Fry and Clive Bell

Слайд 7 "You think at once of a whirlpool. At

the heart of the whirlpool is a great silent

place where all the energy is concentrated; and there at the point of concentration is the Vorticist."
Wyndham Lewis

Слайд 8 Cubist composition and Italian Futurism

Cubist composition and Italian Futurism

Слайд 9 “A new living abstraction“ Wyndham Lewis

“A new living abstraction“ Wyndham Lewis

Слайд 10 Lewis, the main Vorticism founder, was an iconoclast

Lewis, the main Vorticism founder, was an iconoclast and a visionary,

and a visionary, but also a deeply unpleasant person.

Слайд 11 Wyndham Lewis worked at Omega Workshops

Wyndham Lewis worked at Omega Workshops

Слайд 12 "Rebel Art Centre"

Слайд 13 Kate Lechmere

Kate Lechmere

Слайд 14 "BLAST"

Слайд 15 "War Number"

Слайд 16 First exhibition at the Dore Galleries in London

First exhibition at the Dore Galleries in London

Слайд 17 Penguin Club in New York City

Penguin Club in New York City

Слайд 18 Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and Jessica Dismorr

Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and Jessica Dismorr

Слайд 19 Epstein's «Rock Drill» (1913)

Epstein's «Rock Drill» (1913)

Слайд 20 Wyndham Lewis tried to revive the movement with

Wyndham Lewis tried to revive the movement with Group X

Group X

Слайд 21 Vorticism was generally little discussed by art historians,

Vorticism was generally little discussed by art historians, and during this

and during this time a number of significant works

by Vorticist artists were lost

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-vorticism.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 0