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Презентация на тему Animals открытый урок 5 класс

Say where wild animals live.1. Pandas live in… China2. Crocodiles and kangaroos live in…Australia3. Monkeys, elephants, giraffes and lions live in…Africa4. Bears and wolves live in…Russia
Аnimals. Say where wild animals live.1. Pandas live in… China2. Crocodiles and kangaroos Guess the animal.I climb the trees. I eat bananas.I’m brown. I have PUZZLE TIME To solve the puzzle you must write the names of ten animals Find animals picture. Poems about animals. English games.  A cat and a mouse.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 13 Say where wild animals live.
1. Pandas live in…

Say where wild animals live.1. Pandas live in… China2. Crocodiles and

2. Crocodiles and kangaroos live in…
3. Monkeys, elephants, giraffes

and lions live in…
4. Bears and wolves live in…

Слайд 15 Guess the animal.
I climb the trees. I eat

Guess the animal.I climb the trees. I eat bananas.I’m brown. I

I’m brown. I have got a long tail.

2. I’m

big. I have got a long neck.
I live in Africa.

3. I’m big. I’m black and white. I live in China.
I eat bamboo.

4. I’m green. Im long. I live in Australia.
I like water.

Слайд 16 PUZZLE TIME To solve the puzzle you must write

PUZZLE TIME To solve the puzzle you must write the names of ten animals

the names of ten animals

Слайд 18 Find animals picture.

Find animals picture.

Слайд 19 Poems about animals.

Poems about animals.

Слайд 20 English games.
A cat and a mouse.

English games. A cat and a mouse.

  • Имя файла: animals-otkrytyy-urok-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 195
  • Количество скачиваний: 3