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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка на тему Кто есть кто?(7класс)

VocabularyBuildAgeHairHeightFaceSpecial Features
Who is who? 3b VocabularyBuildAgeHairHeightFaceSpecial Features Describing a characterIs it a man or a woman?Is he (she) tall?Has Reading and listeningWhere are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? At the Grammar: -ed/ -ing participlesTo describe something  - ingIt was a boring Grammar: Order of adjectivesКогда описываешь людей помни о порядке употребления прилагательных!Не используй Describing peopleLet’s talk about your family, friends and teachers. ListeningListen and choose correct answerp. 29 ex.7 Writing
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
Special Features

VocabularyBuildAgeHairHeightFaceSpecial Features

Слайд 3 Describing a character
Is it a man or a

Describing a characterIs it a man or a woman?Is he (she)

Is he (she) tall?
Has he (she) got dark(red) hair?

it _________?

Слайд 4 Reading and listening
Where are Clara and Fiona: at

Reading and listeningWhere are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? At

the theatre? At the party?

Which characters were the play?

the first exchange in the dialog.

p.28 ex.3b)

Слайд 5 Grammar: -ed/ -ing participles
To describe something -

Grammar: -ed/ -ing participlesTo describe something - ingIt was a boring

It was a boring film.

To speak about someone’s feelings

- ed
We are bored.
It was an exciting time. We all excited.

p.29 ex.4

Слайд 6 Grammar: Order of adjectives
Когда описываешь людей помни о

Grammar: Order of adjectivesКогда описываешь людей помни о порядке употребления прилагательных!Не

порядке употребления прилагательных!

Не используй более трех прилагательных.

Прилагательные выражающие мнение

предшествуют прилагательным, выражающим объективные характеристики

p.29 ex.5

Слайд 7 Describing people
Let’s talk about your family, friends and

Describing peopleLet’s talk about your family, friends and teachers.


Слайд 8 Listening
Listen and choose correct answer
p. 29 ex.7

ListeningListen and choose correct answerp. 29 ex.7

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-temu-kto-est-kto7klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0