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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Russia

The Imperial flag and Emblem
RussiaRussia The Imperial flag and Emblem Moscow is the capital of Russia with population of about 10 million people Russia is a multinational country. Nearly 145 million people constantly live in Russia is famous for its numerous places of interest. Moscow it`s the Also Russia has a lot of attraction. Ostankino Tower and Lenin`s Mausoleum Zimnii Dvorec and Pitergof Another famous attraction in Russia is situated in the center of Asia. It`s called Altay. Many tourists want to see amazing region, which is know for its Dykhtau and Shkhara Koshtantau and Kazbek Dzhimarai hoch and Kluchevskoy Also other nature wonders such as Valley of Geysers and Pillars of weathering Sail Rock and Camel Mountain Stone mushrooms and Mountain Vottovaara Come to Russia and you will be happy Goodbye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Imperial flag and Emblem

The Imperial flag and Emblem

Слайд 4 Moscow is the capital of Russia with population

Moscow is the capital of Russia with population of about 10 million people

of about 10 million people

Слайд 7 Russia is a multinational country. Nearly 145 million

Russia is a multinational country. Nearly 145 million people constantly live

people constantly live in Russia, among them more than

one hundred and sixty nationalities, which speak their own language. Over 80% area Russians themselves, while 20% of population consists of various nationalities – Ukrainians, Belorussians, Tatars, Mordvinians, Armenians and other nations.

Слайд 9 Russia is famous for its numerous places of

Russia is famous for its numerous places of interest. Moscow it`s

interest. Moscow it`s the biggest city in Russia. Another

big and famous city it is Saint Petersburg. It has once been a capital of the country.

Слайд 10 Also Russia has a lot of attraction.

Also Russia has a lot of attraction.

Слайд 11 Ostankino Tower and Lenin`s Mausoleum

Ostankino Tower and Lenin`s Mausoleum

Слайд 12 Zimnii Dvorec and Pitergof

Zimnii Dvorec and Pitergof

Слайд 13 Another famous attraction in Russia is situated in

Another famous attraction in Russia is situated in the center of Asia. It`s called Altay.

the center of Asia. It`s called Altay.

Слайд 14 Many tourists want to see amazing region, which

Many tourists want to see amazing region, which is know for

is know for its crystal clear lakes, high mountains.

Such as Baikal and Elbrus.

Слайд 15 Dykhtau and Shkhara

Dykhtau and Shkhara

Слайд 16 Koshtantau and Kazbek

Koshtantau and Kazbek

Слайд 17 Dzhimarai hoch and Kluchevskoy

Dzhimarai hoch and Kluchevskoy

Слайд 18 Also other nature wonders such as Valley of

Also other nature wonders such as Valley of Geysers and Pillars of weathering

Geysers and Pillars of weathering

Слайд 19 Sail Rock and Camel Mountain

Sail Rock and Camel Mountain

Слайд 20 Stone mushrooms and Mountain Vottovaara

Stone mushrooms and Mountain Vottovaara

Слайд 21 Come to Russia and you will be happy

Come to Russia and you will be happy

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-russia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0