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Презентация на тему к уроку Употребление простого прошедшего времени на основе текста о Москве

Keys:Lived, loved, was, tried, caught, sent, had, wrote, createdCheck your partner!9 points- excellent8-7 points- good6-5 points- satisfactory
Create - build - speak - write - hear - appear- Keys:Lived, loved, was, tried, caught, sent, had, wrote, createdCheck your partner!9 points- The theme of our lesson  is  “the Past Simple Tense” Our aim  is  to practise the Past Simple Tense Assess your activity    I have problems Everything is OK
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Keys:
Lived, loved, was, tried, caught, sent, had, wrote,

Keys:Lived, loved, was, tried, caught, sent, had, wrote, createdCheck your partner!9

Check your partner!
9 points- excellent
8-7 points- good
6-5 points- satisfactory

Слайд 3 The theme of our lesson is “the Past

The theme of our lesson is “the Past Simple Tense”

Simple Tense”

Слайд 4 Our aim is to practise the Past Simple

Our aim is to practise the Past Simple Tense


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-upotreblenie-prostogo-proshedshego-vremeni-na-osnove-teksta-o-moskve.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 122
  • Количество скачиваний: 0