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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Профессии и Числительные


Отчет дежурногоWho is on duty today?I am on duty today.What date is it today?Today is the thirteenth of September.What day is it today?It is Wednesday today.Who is absent today?……is\are absent today.The rest are present.All are present.What
ПриветствиеGood morning\afternoon.Good morning\afternoon.I am glad to see you.We are glad to see Отчет дежурногоWho is on duty today?I am on duty today.What date is [i][fi’ziʃn][‘fizisist][fʊl’filiŋ][ɜ:]  [`nɜ:s]  [‘wɜ:kə] [‘ʤɜ:nəlist][ӕ][‘fӕʃən ‘mɔdl] ['ʧælɪnʤɪŋ][‘sætisfaiŋ] I thinkTo my mindAs for me kind [‘kaɪnd] сорт, вид Ex.: The job of a dentist is good. It is (good) than Ex.: The job of a dentist is good. It is (good) than backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ] a job where you have to do a lot messy ['mesɪ] untidy or dirtymonotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] is very boring because it never backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]- изнурительный, непосильныйboring[ˈbɔːrıŋ] - скучный dangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] - опасныйexhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ] - утомительный; backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]-изнурительный, непосильныйexhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ]утомительный; изнурительный) messy ['mesɪ] - грязный)Ex.: The job of a … is…carrier ['kærɪə]woodcutter ['wudˌkʌtə] secretary ['sekrət(ə)rɪ]journalist ['ʤɜːn(ə)lɪst]Ex.: The job of a … is…monotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] - (однообразный, backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]изнурительный, непосильныйdangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] - опасныйtiring[‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] - изнурительный, утомительныйEx.: The job of a … is…electrician [ˌelɪk'trɪʃ(ə)n Cardinal Numerals  Количественные числительные1 11-1914 -Four+ teen= fourteen 16 -Six+teen = seventeen 17 - Seven+teen= 20-9060 - six+ty =sixty70 - seven+ty=seventy90 - nine+ty = ninetyСлова-исключения:20 - twenty 21-9945 – forty + five = forty-five78 - seventy + eight = Thirty-sevenTenTwenty-fivethirteenForty-sevenI see ….(e)s in the picture 97seventy-fivetwelveNinety-sevenSixty-fiveForty-threeI see ….(e)s in the picture Home task:Выучить правило образования числительных Сделать упражнение на слайдах по степеням сравнения прилагательных(в тетрадях переписывать полностью)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Отчет дежурного
Who is on duty today?
I am on

Отчет дежурногоWho is on duty today?I am on duty today.What date

duty today.
What date is it today?
Today is the thirteenth

of September.
What day is it today?
It is Wednesday today.
Who is absent today?
……is\are absent today.
The rest are present.
All are present.
What was your home task for today?
Our home task was…(to learn the rule and the new words)

Слайд 3 [i]
[‘fӕʃən ‘mɔdl]

[i][fi’ziʃn][‘fizisist][fʊl’filiŋ][ɜ:] [`nɜ:s] [‘wɜ:kə] [‘ʤɜ:nəlist][ӕ][‘fӕʃən ‘mɔdl] ['ʧælɪnʤɪŋ][‘sætisfaiŋ]

Слайд 4

I think
To my mind
As for me


I thinkTo my mindAs for me kind [‘kaɪnd] сорт, вид

[‘kaɪnd] сорт, вид suitable['s(j)uːtəbl]годный, подходящий, пригодный, применимый, соответствующий
What kind

of jobs is more suitable for women and why?

the profession of a(an) … is more suitable for women because…

an air hostess [‘ɛə,həustis]
A secretary [‘secərtəri]
A designer [di’zainə]
A surgeon [‘sɛ:gən]
A pharmacist ['fɑːməsɪst]

rewarding [ri’wɔ:diŋ]
satisfying [‘sætisfaiŋ]
prestigious [pres’tiʤəs]
creative [krɪ'eɪtɪv]
fulfilling [fʊl’filiŋ]
responsible [rɪ'spɔn(t)səbl]
easy ['iːzɪ]

Слайд 5 Ex.: The job of a dentist is good.

Ex.: The job of a dentist is good. It is (good)

It is (good) than the job of a journalist.

It is (good) job I know.
The job of a dentist is good. It is better than the job of a journalist. It is the best job I know.
1. To be a photographer is (easy) than to work as a carpenter or a mechanic. The job of a photographer is (easy) of all.
2. I don’t like books but I have to work as a librarian, that’s why I feel unhappy. I feel (unhappy) than my friends. I am (unhappy) person in the world.
3. Our new physicist is a clever guy. He is (clever) than I. He is (clever) person I know.
4. Harry is a plumber and he thinks that his job is satisfying. It is (satisfying) than his previous ['priːvɪəs] (предыдущий) job. To be a plumber is (satisfying) job to his mind.
5. This chef cooks really tasty things. His dishes [dɪʃ] (блюдо) are (tasty) than yours. His dishes are (tasty) of all.

Слайд 6 Ex.: The job of a dentist is good.

Ex.: The job of a dentist is good. It is (good)

It is (good) than the job of a journalist.

It is (good) job I know.
The job of a dentist is good. It is better than the job of a journalist. It is the best job I know.
6. The social worker should be kind. He should be (kind) than a police officer. Jane is (kind) social worker I know.
7. - Do you think that the job of a hairdresser is creative? – To my mind it is (creative) than the profession of a programmer. – I disagree with you, the profession of a programmer is (creative) of all.
8. It is really simple to work as a nurse. It is (simple) than to be a doctor. It is (simple) job.
9. A sport instructor should be strong. He should be (strong) than a travel agent. He should be (strong) in the gym [ʤɪm] (спортзал).
10. The job of a musician is rewarding. It is (rewarding) than the job of an accountant. I am sure that it is one of (rewarding) professions.

Слайд 7 backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ] a job where you have

backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ] a job where you have to do a

to do a lot of hard physical work
-изнурительный, непосильный

not interesting -

dangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] = risky difficult -
to deal with

exhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ] make (someone) feel very tired you mean that -



утомительный; изнурительный

Слайд 8 messy ['mesɪ] untidy or dirty

monotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] is very

messy ['mesɪ] untidy or dirtymonotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] is very boring because it

boring because it never changes.

not respected [nɔt rɪ'spektɪd]

many people think that it is not important

tiring [‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] it is hard and you want to rest after it


(однообразный, скучный)

(не приносящая уважения)

(изнурительный, утомительный)

Слайд 9 backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]- изнурительный, непосильный
boring[ˈbɔːrıŋ] - скучный

backbreaking - ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]- изнурительный, непосильныйboring[ˈbɔːrıŋ] - скучный dangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] - опасныйexhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ] -

- опасный
exhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ] - утомительный; изнурительный
messy ['mesɪ] - грязный

[mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] - однообразный, скучный
not respected [nɔt rɪ'spektɪd] - не приносящая уважения
tiring [‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] - изнурительный, утомительный

Слайд 10 backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]-изнурительный, непосильный
exhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ]утомительный; изнурительный)
messy ['mesɪ] - грязный)
Ex.: The

backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]-изнурительный, непосильныйexhausting[ɪg'zɔːstɪŋ]утомительный; изнурительный) messy ['mesɪ] - грязный)Ex.: The job of a … is…carrier ['kærɪə]woodcutter ['wudˌkʌtə]

job of a … is…
carrier ['kærɪə]
woodcutter ['wudˌkʌtə]

Слайд 11 secretary ['sekrət(ə)rɪ]
journalist ['ʤɜːn(ə)lɪst]
Ex.: The job of a …

secretary ['sekrət(ə)rɪ]journalist ['ʤɜːn(ə)lɪst]Ex.: The job of a … is…monotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] -

monotonous [mə'nɔt(ə)nəs] - (однообразный, скучный
not respected [nɔt rɪ'spektɪd] -

не приносящая уважения
tiring [‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] -изнурительный, утомительный

Слайд 12 backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]изнурительный, непосильный
dangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] - опасный
tiring[‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] - изнурительный, утомительный
Ex.: The

backbreaking['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]изнурительный, непосильныйdangerous[ˈdeındʒərəs] - опасныйtiring[‘ta͟ɪ͟ərɪŋ] - изнурительный, утомительныйEx.: The job of a … is…electrician [ˌelɪk'trɪʃ(ə)n

job of a … is…
electrician [ˌelɪk'trɪʃ(ə)n

Слайд 13 Cardinal Numerals Количественные числительные

Cardinal Numerals Количественные числительные1     2



one [wan]
two [tu:]
three [ɵri]
four [fo:]
five [faiv]
six [siks]
seven ['sevn]
eight [eit]
nine [nain]
ten [ten]

Слайд 14 11-19

14 -Four+ teen= fourteen
16 -Six+teen = seventeen

11-1914 -Four+ teen= fourteen 16 -Six+teen = seventeen 17 - Seven+teen=

17 - Seven+teen=


19 - Nine+ teen= nineteen

11 - eleven
12 - twelve
13 - thirteen (three)
15 - fifteen (five)
18- eighteen (eight)

Слайд 15 20-90

60 - six+ty =sixty
70 - seven+ty=seventy
90 - nine+ty

20-9060 - six+ty =sixty70 - seven+ty=seventy90 - nine+ty = ninetyСлова-исключения:20 -

= ninety
20 - twenty (two)
30 - thirty

40 - forty (four)
50 - fifty (five)
80 - eighty (eight)

Слайд 16 21-99

45 – forty + five = forty-five
78 -

21-9945 – forty + five = forty-five78 - seventy + eight

seventy + eight = seventy-eight
37 – thirty + seven=

96 – ninety + six = ninety-six

Слайд 17 Thirty-seven
I see ….(e)s in the picture

Thirty-sevenTenTwenty-fivethirteenForty-sevenI see ….(e)s in the picture

Слайд 18 97

I see ….(e)s in the picture

97seventy-fivetwelveNinety-sevenSixty-fiveForty-threeI see ….(e)s in the picture

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-professii-i-chislitelnye.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0