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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка по теме Nottingham, the small urban territory – the territory beyond.

Look at the map and say: Where is this town?
Nottingham, the small urban territory – the territory beyond. Culture corner. Look at the map and say: Where is this town? Nottingham – a small historical city in the East of England With origins dating back to the 7th century AD Nottigham is one From the Norman Invasion to the Age of Victoria – all historical Today Nottingham is home to a multitude of different architectural styles and Walking down the city’s streets is like stepping back in time The most popular tourist attraction in the city is Nottingham Castle A 1000 year old building survived many reconstructions and was turned into Museum in 1878 The Castle is famous for its place in the legend of ROBIN HOOD The Residence of the Sheriff of Nottingham	The Castle is said to have You can see the statue of Robin Hood in the Castle courtyard According to the numerous legends Robin Hood rebelled against the villainy of Every Summer the Castle hosts the 7 day long Robin Hood Festival It is one of the biggest cultural events in the UK This glorious celebration of the legend of Robin Hood is entertainment for all the family Although Historians still can not say if Robin Hood really existed it In 2009 the Festival entered the Guinness Book of Records as the Sherwood Forest – once a deep forest around Nottingham, now a large The position of the Sheriff of Nottingham still exists but is absolutely The railway that connects London and Nottingham is known as The Robin Hood Line Nottingham in briefPopulation			300 000Nickname		Robin Hood CityFamous for its rich history and connection
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Look at the map and say: Where is this

Look at the map and say: Where is this town?


Слайд 3 Nottingham – a small historical city in the

Nottingham – a small historical city in the East of England

East of England

Слайд 4
With origins dating back to the 7th century

With origins dating back to the 7th century AD Nottigham is

AD Nottigham is one of the oldest continually inhabited

sites in the UK

Слайд 5
From the Norman Invasion to the Age of

From the Norman Invasion to the Age of Victoria – all

Victoria – all historical periods and events left their

distinctive marks on the city

Слайд 6
Today Nottingham is home to a multitude of

Today Nottingham is home to a multitude of different architectural styles

different architectural styles and historical buildings dating back to

the 12th century

Слайд 7 Walking down the city’s streets is like stepping

Walking down the city’s streets is like stepping back in time

back in time

Слайд 9 The most popular tourist attraction in the city

The most popular tourist attraction in the city is Nottingham Castle

is Nottingham Castle

Слайд 10
A 1000 year old building survived many reconstructions

A 1000 year old building survived many reconstructions and was turned into Museum in 1878

and was turned into Museum in 1878

Слайд 11 The Castle is famous for its place in

The Castle is famous for its place in the legend of ROBIN HOOD

the legend of ROBIN HOOD

Слайд 12 The Residence of the Sheriff of Nottingham
The Castle

The Residence of the Sheriff of Nottingham	The Castle is said to

is said to have been the scene of the

final showdown between the evil Sheriff and the legendary hero of the common people

Слайд 13
You can see the statue of Robin Hood

You can see the statue of Robin Hood in the Castle courtyard

in the Castle courtyard

Слайд 14
According to the numerous legends Robin Hood rebelled

According to the numerous legends Robin Hood rebelled against the villainy

against the villainy of the Sheriff and with his

friends went to live in Sherwood Forest near Nottingham

Слайд 15
Every Summer the Castle hosts the 7 day

Every Summer the Castle hosts the 7 day long Robin Hood

long Robin Hood Festival which attracts more than half

a million visitors

Слайд 16 It is one of the biggest cultural events

It is one of the biggest cultural events in the UK

in the UK

Слайд 17 This glorious celebration of the legend of Robin

This glorious celebration of the legend of Robin Hood is entertainment for all the family

Hood is entertainment for all the family

Слайд 22
Although Historians still can not say if Robin

Although Historians still can not say if Robin Hood really existed

Hood really existed it has never prevented Nottingham paying

tribute to its most famous resident

Слайд 23
In 2009 the Festival entered the Guinness Book

In 2009 the Festival entered the Guinness Book of Records as

of Records as the most visited Medieval themed open

air festival in the world

Слайд 28
Sherwood Forest – once a deep forest around

Sherwood Forest – once a deep forest around Nottingham, now a

Nottingham, now a large park on the outskirts of

the city, it was Robin Hood’s principal hideout

Слайд 29
The position of the Sheriff of Nottingham still

The position of the Sheriff of Nottingham still exists but is

exists but is absolutely ceremonial.

The Sheriff promotes Nottingham

as tourist destination and his principal duty is to welcome visitors to the city at various events

Слайд 30
The railway that connects London and Nottingham is

The railway that connects London and Nottingham is known as The Robin Hood Line

known as The Robin Hood Line

Слайд 31 Nottingham in brief
300 000
Robin Hood City
Famous for its

Nottingham in briefPopulation			300 000Nickname		Robin Hood CityFamous for its rich history and

rich history and connection with Robin Hood
a 2 hour

drive by train from London

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-nottingham-the-small-urban-territory-–-the-territory-beyond.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 1