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Презентация на тему по английскому языку 5-6 класс Австралийские сувениры

Australian Souvenirs In Australia there are lots of unique animals. Kangaroos, koalas and platypuses and emus live in Australia only.
Australian Souvenirs by A.N. YuzhaninaSchool 121Snezhinsk2018-19 Australian Souvenirs  In Australia there are lots of unique animals. Kangaroos, Australian Souvenirs  Both kids and grown-ups love the Australian Wildlife with Australian Souvenirs  You can't come to Australia and not take away Australian SouvenirsA boomerang is a thrown tool. A returning boomerang is designed to return Australian SouvenirsYou can buy a CD with Aborigines music. Australian Souvenirs   Ugg Boots are perfect Australian Souvenirs. Australians wear
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Слайд 2 Australian Souvenirs
In Australia there are lots

Australian Souvenirs In Australia there are lots of unique animals. Kangaroos,

of unique animals. Kangaroos, koalas and platypuses and emus

live in Australia only.

Слайд 3 Australian Souvenirs
Both kids and grown-ups love

Australian Souvenirs Both kids and grown-ups love the Australian Wildlife with

the Australian Wildlife with the Koala, Kangaroo, platypus and

Emu are the most popular Australian souvenirs. These little toys are soft to play.

Слайд 4 Australian Souvenirs
You can't come to Australia

Australian Souvenirs You can't come to Australia and not take away

and not take away the Aboriginal paintings. They are

so simple yet so effective. The colours and tones make them ideal for any home.

Слайд 5 Australian Souvenirs
A boomerang is a thrown tool. A returning boomerang

Australian SouvenirsA boomerang is a thrown tool. A returning boomerang is designed to

is designed to return to the thrower. It is

well known as a weapon used by Aborigines  for hunting.
Boomerangs have been historically used for hunting and sport. They come in various shapes and sizes.

Слайд 6 Australian Souvenirs
You can buy a CD with Aborigines

Australian SouvenirsYou can buy a CD with Aborigines music.


Слайд 7 Australian Souvenirs
Ugg Boots are perfect

Australian Souvenirs  Ugg Boots are perfect Australian Souvenirs. Australians wear

Australian Souvenirs. Australians wear them to the corner shop

to get their paper and coffee. They are as comfortable as slippers - warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-5-6-klass-avstraliyskie-suveniry.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0