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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Австралия (6 класс)

The Land Down UnderAustralia is called the Land Down Under because of its geographical position. It lies in the southern hemisphere under the equator, between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.Australia is the smallest continent.However, it is
AustraliaThe Unknown Southern LandLamoru Turro E.A. The Land Down UnderAustralia is called the Land Down Under because of Australian summers are in The capital is Canberra The largest city is Sidney The PopulationAbout 23 ml people. Most of them live on the eastern The LANGUAGE is ENGLISHBritish EnglishGood day!Good bye!Cup of teaMilkThe car is brokenBreakfastSunglassesSee Australian animalsTheir bears live in trees and are vegetarians. They are called Australian kangaroos are very fast. Red kangaroos are the biggest. Kangaroos don’t The Great Barrier Rif
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Land Down Under
Australia is called the Land

The Land Down UnderAustralia is called the Land Down Under because

Down Under because of its geographical position. It lies

in the southern hemisphere under the equator, between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Australia is the smallest continent.
However, it is the sixth largest country after
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. China
4. the USA
5. Brazil
6. Australia

Слайд 3

Australian summers are in winter. And winter

Australian summers are in winter. And winter starts on

the 1st of June

Слайд 4 The capital is Canberra

The capital is Canberra

Слайд 5 The largest city is Sidney

The largest city is Sidney

Слайд 6 The Population

About 23 ml people. Most of them

The PopulationAbout 23 ml people. Most of them live on the

live on the eastern and southeastern coasts.

The Aborigines, represent

1.5% of the population. Most of them still live in the desert areas of the Australian outback.
The outback is the vast, dry and remote inland of the continent

British English
Good day!
Good bye!
Cup of

The LANGUAGE is ENGLISHBritish EnglishGood day!Good bye!Cup of teaMilkThe car is

The car is broken
See you soon

Australian English
Cow juice
The car

is Cactus
See you in soup

Слайд 8 Australian animals
Their bears live in trees and are

Australian animalsTheir bears live in trees and are vegetarians. They are

vegetarians. They are called koalas.
A platypus (duckbill) is a

mammal that lives in the water, lays eggs and sings like a nightingale. They are kept as pets

Слайд 9 Australian kangaroos are very fast. Red kangaroos are

Australian kangaroos are very fast. Red kangaroos are the biggest. Kangaroos

the biggest. Kangaroos don’t run. They can only jump.

They usually move at a speed of 20-25 km per hour.

Слайд 10 The Great Barrier Rif

The Great Barrier Rif

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-avstraliya-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 2