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Презентация на тему на англ яз на тему Living in the wild (6 класс)

Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather like today? Do you like/dislike it? Why? Who is absent today?
The 13th of November	Wednesday Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather like Проверка домашнего заданияEx 16 p 51: read and translate Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели Choose the best title for the article. The 13th of NovemberLiving in the wild. Ex 17 p 51:find the key words in each paragraph. Ex 18 p 51:Choose the sentence (A or B) which expresses the Ex 19 p 51/Pairs:discuss «Can a wild animal become a good pet?» Giving an opinion I think …In my opinion …Agreeing Yes, I agree Asking an opinionWhat do you think?What do you think about …?DisagreeingI’m afraid, Домашнее задание Ex 19 p 51: Write down the dialogue. РЕФЛЕКСИЯНа уроке я узнал, научился, ознакомился с …
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Речевая разминка
What date/day is it today?
What is

Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather

the weather like today?
Do you like/dislike it? Why?

Who is absent today?

Слайд 3 Проверка домашнего задания
Ex 16 p 51: read and

Проверка домашнего заданияEx 16 p 51: read and translate


Слайд 4 Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели
Choose the best title for

Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели Choose the best title for the article.

the article.

Слайд 5 The 13th of November
Living in the wild.

The 13th of NovemberLiving in the wild.

Слайд 6 Ex 17 p 51:
find the key words in

Ex 17 p 51:find the key words in each paragraph.

each paragraph.

Слайд 7 Ex 18 p 51:
Choose the sentence (A or

Ex 18 p 51:Choose the sentence (A or B) which expresses

B) which expresses the main idea of each paragraph.

Слайд 8 Ex 19 p 51/Pairs:
discuss «Can a wild animal

Ex 19 p 51/Pairs:discuss «Can a wild animal become a good pet?»

become a good pet?»

Слайд 9 Giving an opinion
I think …
In my opinion

Giving an opinion I think …In my opinion …Agreeing Yes, I

Yes, I agree with you.
Yes, you are right.

Слайд 10 Asking an opinion
What do you think?
What do you

Asking an opinionWhat do you think?What do you think about …?DisagreeingI’m

think about …?
I’m afraid, I can’t agree
I know what

you mean, but …

Слайд 11 Домашнее задание
Ex 19 p 51: Write down the

Домашнее задание Ex 19 p 51: Write down the dialogue.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angl-yaz-na-temu-living-in-the-wild-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 0