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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Разделительные вопросы(5класс)

Find the words with the similar meaning:say, do, start, organize, picnic, p.m., trip,learn, dress, studentCheck your answers:party – picnic arrange – organizetell – say
Tag questions Find the words with the similar meaning:say, do, start, organize, picnic, p.m., Write missing sounds and letters: Answer the questions:Are you in the fifth form?Is she Olga?Were you in You can swim, can’t you?They did not spend holiday abroad, did they?Your Окончания разделительных вопросов:…won’t you?/ will you?…doesn’t she?/ does she?…don’t you?/ do you?…couldn’t Right version:It’s a lovely evening, isn’t it?The sportsman runs very fast, doesn’t Add the tag endings:They did not arrange the date of the competition,……?2. Right answers:1. They did not arrange the date of the competition, did Your home task:Ex. 7(b), p.27Ex.5, p. 14(AB) Good morning, when it’s morning.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Find the words with the similar meaning:
say, do,

Find the words with the similar meaning:say, do, start, organize, picnic,

start, organize, picnic, p.m., trip,
learn, dress, student

Check your answers:

– picnic
arrange – organize
tell – say
uniform – dress
study – learn
begin – start
make – do
afternoon – p.m.
travel – trip
pupil – student

Слайд 3 Write missing sounds and letters:

Write missing sounds and letters:

Слайд 4 Answer the questions:
Are you in the fifth form?

Answer the questions:Are you in the fifth form?Is she Olga?Were you

she Olga?
Were you in Tula last summer?
Was your father

abroad in autumn?
Can you arrange a picnic?
Do you wear a uniform?
Does your mum go shopping every day?
Did he miss English lesson yesterday?
Will you stay with your brother tomorrow?
Will children be responsible for the party?

Where are you from?
How old are you?
When do you go home after lessons?

Will it be rainy or snowy tomorrow?
Did you spend your holidays in the country or in the town?
Do you like tea or coffee?

Слайд 5 You can swim, can’t you?
They did not spend

You can swim, can’t you?They did not spend holiday abroad, did

holiday abroad, did they?
Your sister will be responsible for

the party, will not she?
There are a lot of trees in the garden, aren’t there?

Разделительные вопросы. Tag questions.

Слайд 6

Окончания разделительных вопросов:

…won’t you?/ will you?
…doesn’t she?/ does

Окончания разделительных вопросов:…won’t you?/ will you?…doesn’t she?/ does she?…don’t you?/ do

…don’t you?/ do you?
…couldn’t I?/ could I?
…didn’t we?/ did

…weren’t they?/ were they?
…wasn’t he?/ was he?

Слайд 7

Right version:

It’s a lovely evening, isn’t it?
The sportsman

Right version:It’s a lovely evening, isn’t it?The sportsman runs very fast,

runs very fast, doesn’t he?
It was a wonderful game,

wasn’t it?
You will come here again, won’t you?
We could go there together, couldn’t we?
You know my family, don’t you?

Слайд 8 Add the tag endings:

They did not arrange the

Add the tag endings:They did not arrange the date of the

date of the competition,……?
2. She will stay with her

friend’s family,…………………..?
3. Nick is responsible for a social programme,…………..?
4. He can’t bring an invitation letter,………………………?
5. It was a wonderful picnic,………………………………..?
6. You invite the best friends to the party,………………..?
7. There are 20 students in the group,…………………….?

Слайд 9
Right answers:

1. They did not arrange the date

Right answers:1. They did not arrange the date of the competition,

of the competition, did they?
2. She will stay with

her friend’s family, won’t she?
3. Nick is responsible for a social programme, isn’t he?
4. He can’t bring an invitation letter, can he?
5. It was a wonderful picnic, was not it?
6. You invite the best friends to the party, don’t you?
7. There are 20 students in the group, aren’t there?

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