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Презентация на тему ученицы 5-1 класса Афанасьевой Софьи на тему История гольфа

HistoryIt is believed that the game of Golf was born in Scotland and was invented by shepherds who use staves (future sticks) drove the stones in the rabbit hole. Presumably the game already existed in the
GOLF HistoryIt is believed that the game of Golf was born in Scotland While modern Golf was born in Scotland in the 15th century, the The first Golf tournament was held on 17 October 1860 at Prestwick Golf course The Golf course consists of a series of holes, Mini Golf Miniature Golf or mini-Golf game, which was developed from Golf in spaceThe first blow with his stick the ball in space
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Слайд 2 History
It is believed that the game of Golf

HistoryIt is believed that the game of Golf was born in

was born in Scotland and was invented by shepherds

who use staves (future sticks) drove the stones in the rabbit hole. Presumably the game already existed in the XIV century, and in the XV century in Scotland have been several laws forbidding to play Gof». In the 17th century clubs in the ball was played in the Netherlands. The game in its current form took shape in the 19th century in Scotland.

Слайд 3 While modern Golf was born in Scotland in

While modern Golf was born in Scotland in the 15th century,

the 15th century, the earliest form of the game

remain uncertain and are subject to dispute. Some historians relate Golf game that existed in the Roman Empire, paganico, in which participants used gotou stick for striking ball, namitome feathers.
Another viewpoint is that the ancestor of Golf could be a Chinese game Chuvan , common in the 8-14 vekover, Chuvan became known in Europe in the Middle ages. Another of the early game that resembles a modern Golf is the game «Cambuca» .This game was listed at the Bottom of the earth, Germany and England.
However, modern Golf comes from Scotland, and the first mention of the game is the decree 1457 king of Scotland James II on the prohibition of Golf as he distracted the archers on learning.

Слайд 4 The first Golf tournament was held on 17

The first Golf tournament was held on 17 October 1860 at

October 1860 at Prestwick Golf club, South Ayrshire, Scotland.

Слайд 5 Golf course
The Golf course consists of a series

Golf course The Golf course consists of a series of

of holes, each of which has its launch pad.

Launch pad marked two marks, showing the limits of the zones that can be installed peg for the ball. Also part of the area are the smooth field and uneven terrain and other obstacles. The final part of the site is to hole for orientation of marked in some way .The hole is located on the bowling green, «green», where the minimum height of the grass. In other places the height of the grass may be very different to impede the passage of a site.

Слайд 6 Mini Golf
Miniature Golf or mini-Golf game, which was

Mini Golf Miniature Golf or mini-Golf game, which was developed

developed from the mid-19th century. Playground, mini Golf course

is a green, where the path of the ball to the hole difficult numerous obstacles in the form of stones, sand traps, artificial labyrinths and so on. Task - as in the usual course to hold the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes.

Слайд 7 Golf in space
The first blow with his stick

Golf in spaceThe first blow with his stick the ball in

the ball in space caused in 1971 astronaut Alan

Shepard on the moon's surface during the expedition Apollo 14. first time he had simply missed a stick by a ball, but in the second due to weak lunar attraction, and the lack of atmosphere ball flew several miles, and was lost for future games.

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