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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Почему у королевы два дня рождения?

Официальный день рождения королевы Это день, в который официально отмечается день рождения монарха Соединённого королевства и Содружества наций (не совпадает с настоящим днём рождения королевы – 21 апреля). В Великобритании день отмечается с 1748 года праздником Выноса знамени (также известным как
Why does the Queen have two birthdays? Официальный день рождения королевы Это день, в который официально отмечается день рождения монарха Queen’s official birthday It is the selected day in the UK on QuizWhy did Edward VII moved his birthday to summer? (his real birthday On her official birthday, Her Majesty is joined by other members of How does her real birthday look like?The Queen, accompanied by The Duke Портрет Елизаветы II и младших членов королевской семьи к 90-летию королевы Портрет Елизаветы II и ее корги - Уиллоу, Холли, Вулкана и Кэнди
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Слайд 2 Официальный день рождения королевы 
Это день, в который официально

Официальный день рождения королевы Это день, в который официально отмечается день рождения

отмечается день рождения монарха Соединённого королевства и Содружества наций

(не совпадает с настоящим днём рождения королевы – 21 апреля). В Великобритании день отмечается с 1748 года праздником Выноса знамени (также известным как парад в день рождения королевы). В Великобритании этот день отмечается в первую или вторую субботу июня.

Слайд 3 Queen’s official birthday
It is the selected day

Queen’s official birthday It is the selected day in the UK

in the UK on which the birthday of the

monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is officially celebrated. The monarch's birthday has been celebrated in the United Kingdom since 1748, during the reign of King George II. Since 1959 Queen Official Birthday celebrates on the first or second Saturday of June.

Слайд 4 Quiz
Why did Edward VII moved his birthday to

QuizWhy did Edward VII moved his birthday to summer? (his real

summer? (his real birthday was on 9 November)
In the

hope of good weather.

How many public holidays devoted to celebrate Queen’s official birthday are in the UK?
It is not celebrated as a specific public holiday in the UK. Although, some civil servants are given a "privilege day" at this time of year, which is often merged with the Spring Bank Holiday (last Monday in May) to create a long weekend, which was partly created to celebrate the monarch's birthday.

Слайд 6 On her official birthday, Her Majesty is joined

On her official birthday, Her Majesty is joined by other members

by other members of the Royal Family at the

spectacular Trooping the Colour parade which moves between Buckingham Palace, The Mall and Horseguards’ Parade as well as a public appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. 

Слайд 7 How does her real birthday look like?
The Queen,

How does her real birthday look like?The Queen, accompanied by The

accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh will undertake a walkabout

in Windsor.  Her Majesty and His Royal Highness will walk from the Henry VIII Gate of Windsor Castle towards the Statute of Queen Victoria at the foot of Castle Hill.  Here Her Majesty will unveil a plaque marking The Queen's Walkway.
The Queen’s Walkway is a 6.3km self-guided walking trail connecting 63 points of significance in the town of Windsor. The Walkway was designed by The Outdoor Trust to symbolically recognise the moment that Her Majesty became Britain’s longest reigning monarch after more than 63 years on 9 September 2015.
In the evening, The Queen, accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, will light the principal beacon which will set in train a series of over 900 beacons across the country and worldwide.  Beacons large and small, will be lit across the country to mark The Queen's 90th Birthday, and individuals have been asked to attend a beacon-lighting event in their area, hosted by their local authority

Слайд 8 Портрет Елизаветы II и младших членов королевской семьи

Портрет Елизаветы II и младших членов королевской семьи к 90-летию королевы

к 90-летию королевы

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-pochemu-u-korolevy-dva-dnya-rozhdeniya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 0