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Презентация на тему Сценарий новогоднего урока английского языка

People in Great Britain like Christmas very much
Christmas in Great BritainWELCOME People in Great Britain like Christmas very much They decorate streets and houses British people usually buy gifts for their nearest and dearest. They send There is always a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. It is They watch beautiful fireworks British children put their socks to mantelshelf. They believe that Santa Clause They have great dinner with cakes and turkey Merry Christmas
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 People in Great Britain like Christmas very much

People in Great Britain like Christmas very much

Слайд 3 They decorate streets and houses

They decorate streets and houses

Слайд 4 British people usually buy gifts for their nearest

British people usually buy gifts for their nearest and dearest. They

and dearest. They send cards to their friends and


Слайд 5 There is always a big Christmas tree in

There is always a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. It

Trafalgar Square. It is usual gift from Norway. British

people gather in the square to celebrate Christmas together

Слайд 6 They watch beautiful fireworks

They watch beautiful fireworks

Слайд 7 British children put their socks to mantelshelf. They

British children put their socks to mantelshelf. They believe that Santa

believe that Santa Clause comes and puts gifts into

them. They leave cookies and milk for Santa near Christmas tree

Слайд 8 They have great dinner with cakes and turkey

They have great dinner with cakes and turkey

  • Имя файла: stsenariy-novogodnego-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 108
  • Количество скачиваний: 0