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Презентация на тему к модулю 6 (Leisure activities) к учебнику Английский язык в фокусе 6 класс

Hi, our names are Polina, Dasha and Dasha. We`re twelve years old. We live in Russia. Our town is Usinsk. We`re classmates. We`re in class 6v. Our favourite lesson is English. We like different activities. We
Выполнили учащиеся 6в класса МБОУ «СОШ №1» : Пислегина Дарья, Суббота Полина, Hi, our names are Polina, Dasha and Dasha. We`re twelve years old. Dasha Polina Dasha DrawingExciting        Interesting To imagine To We enjoy painting in the Art school. It is great, fantastic and Are you keen on painting? Then, join us! We will teach you Our favourite teacher is Olga Mikhailovna. Our favourite subject is English. The When we cross the road we go on the road.We look for We like watching shows about painting. Because they are exciting, great and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hi, our names are Polina, Dasha and Dasha.

Hi, our names are Polina, Dasha and Dasha. We`re twelve years

We`re twelve years old. We live in Russia. Our

town is Usinsk. We`re classmates. We`re in class 6v. Our favourite lesson is English. We like different activities. We go to the music school and the art school. Our hobby is drawing. We draw portraits and landscapes. We have got professional brushes and paints. Art school is not only the place where we draw it`s the main meeting place for us.

Слайд 3 Dasha


Слайд 4 Polina


Слайд 5 Dasha


Слайд 6 Drawing


DrawingExciting    Interesting To imagine To express To composePaint


To imagine To express To compose

Paint with my


The image on a piece of paper.

Слайд 7 We enjoy painting in the Art school. It

We enjoy painting in the Art school. It is great, fantastic

is great, fantastic and wonderful.
We`re very keen on

drawing. It is interesting for us.
We`re fond of drawings with watercolor.
We`re fond of visiting exhibitions, galleries.
I`m interested in paintings of children.
We`re good at painting portraits, landscapes.
We have a great collection of our work.

Слайд 8 Are you keen on painting? Then, join us!

Are you keen on painting? Then, join us! We will teach

We will teach you to draw well. We have

a lot of paints, paper and brushes. You will draw a picture on the easel. The teacher will show you our museum with different pictures. You will be able to draw with paints, watercolors, pencil, black pen and oil. You`ll have fun.
Meetings: every day.

Слайд 9 Our favourite teacher is Olga Mikhailovna. Our favourite

Our favourite teacher is Olga Mikhailovna. Our favourite subject is English.

subject is English. The teacher plays a great role

in our life. Olga Mikhailovna explains very well. Her lessons are very interesting. Olga Mikhailovna is a wonderful person and a good teacher. We love her. She is cheerful and beautiful. She loves and respects her pupils.

Слайд 11 When we cross the road we go on

When we cross the road we go on the road.We look

the road.
We look for a zebra crossing or a

traffic lights crossing.
We don`t cross between parked cars.
We listen and look both ways for traffic.
We don`t run.
We know traffic rules!!!
We`re safe.

When we go to school we have to cross some roads. We are safe on the roads.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-modulyu-6-leisure-activities-k-uchebniku-angliyskiy-yazyk-v-fokuse-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0