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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Путешествия

Do you like travelling?Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №56 Берко О.Н.
Describe the photos and guess the topic Do you like travelling?Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №56 Берко О.Н. Lesson plan1.Introducing a topic. (slides 1,2)Pairwork: making up the dialogues.( slide 4)Vocabulary Work in pairs.  Make up a dialogueDo you like travelling?Do you Vocabulary. Match the phrases with definitions. Then write sentences with each phrase.HikingBackpacking Translate into EnglishМы не можем позволить себе отпуск за границей.Много людей покупают Listening. Preparatory task. Look at the pictures and try to guess what Listening. You will hear a story about a trip to Australia. Choose Self-evaluation.  Draw an emoticon of an appropriate colour opposite each task to show your progress Hometask. Informal letter Write a letter to your pen-friend Tracy. (100-120 words)Last ResourcesАнглийский язык, 8 класс, В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова (2010 год)Gateway
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do you like travelling?
Учитель английского языка

Do you like travelling?Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №56 Берко О.Н.

№56 Берко О.Н.

Слайд 3 Lesson plan
1.Introducing a topic. (slides 1,2)
Pairwork: making up

Lesson plan1.Introducing a topic. (slides 1,2)Pairwork: making up the dialogues.( slide

the dialogues.( slide 4)
Vocabulary 1: matching. (slide 5)

2: student’s book p.66
Reading: a text about travelling habits in the student’s book p.66
Grammar/vocabulary: translation from Russian into English, revising Present and Past Simple (slide 6)
Improving listening skills: a story about a trip to Australia (slide 7,8)
Self-evaluation: completing the table (slide 9)
Hometask: writing a letter

Слайд 4 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue
Do you

Work in pairs. Make up a dialogueDo you like travelling?Do you

like travelling?
Do you often travel?
Do you prefer travelling

with your friends, classmates or parents? Why?
Have you ever travelled by ship, plane, train, bus, car?

Слайд 5 Vocabulary. Match the phrases with definitions. Then write

Vocabulary. Match the phrases with definitions. Then write sentences with each

sentences with each phrase.
Backpacking traveller
Means of transport
Package tourist
Get/feel seasick


who buys tours in a travel agency
Going camping
Not feel well travelling by ship
A person who prefers travelling on his own
A train, a plane, a bus etc.

Слайд 6 Translate into English
Мы не можем позволить себе отпуск

Translate into EnglishМы не можем позволить себе отпуск за границей.Много людей

за границей.
Много людей покупают поездки «все включено», это удобней.

предпочитаю походы с друзьями в лес, а не морские курорты.
Эта экскурсия могла бы быть увлекательней, если бы не было дождя.
Они смогут посетить несколько городов за неделю.
Они опаздывали, но смогли получить посадочные талоны без очереди.(ahead of line )

Слайд 7 Listening. Preparatory task. Look at the pictures and try

Listening. Preparatory task. Look at the pictures and try to guess

to guess what the story will be about.

Слайд 8 Listening. You will hear a story about a

Listening. You will hear a story about a trip to Australia.

trip to Australia. Choose the correct answer.
I’m having a

great time in the (south/west/northeast) of Australia. It is really (wet/hot/cold) here and I’m spending a lot of time (in the park/on the beach/in the forest). I had a (nasty/pleasant/funny) experience a couple of days ago. I went for a walk on the beach. I was (alone/with mum/with dad) and I came across (a snake/a bird/a spider). It was huge, and it ran after me.

Слайд 9 Self-evaluation. Draw an emoticon of an appropriate colour

Self-evaluation. Draw an emoticon of an appropriate colour opposite each task to show your progress

opposite each task to show your progress

Слайд 10 Hometask. Informal letter Write a letter to your pen-friend

Hometask. Informal letter Write a letter to your pen-friend Tracy. (100-120

Tracy. (100-120 words)
Last summer I travelled to Greece with

my parents. We took a package tour, but it wasn’t the vacation of my dreams.
Have you ever had bad experience travelling somewhere? Are you an adventurous or stay-at-home person? How would you spend your “dream holidays”?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-puteshestviya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0