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Презентация на тему A comparison of Russian and Chinese students

Plan:Comparison of appearance Comparison of character Comparison of clothes
Presentation on the topic:  A comparison of Russian and Chinese Plan:Comparison of appearance  Comparison of character  Comparison of clothes Appearance Appearance Character Character Clothes Clothers Conclusion  Of course the differences between Russian and Chinese students are The end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan:
Comparison of appearance Comparison of character Comparison of clothes

Plan:Comparison of appearance Comparison of character Comparison of clothes

Слайд 3 Appearance


Слайд 4 Appearance


Слайд 5 Character


Слайд 6 Character


Слайд 7 Clothes


Слайд 8 Clothers


Слайд 9 Conclusion
Of course the differences between Russian and

Conclusion Of course the differences between Russian and Chinese students are

Chinese students are large. Each people has its own

culture, its mentality. But we are students and came to the university to study in this we are similar.

  • Имя файла: a-comparison-of-russian-and-chinese-students.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0