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Презентация на тему African youth

Young people in the Africa have their problems and hobbies. I tell about some of them.
African youth Young people in the Africa have their problems and hobbies. I tell about some of them. Africa's biggest problem is hunger.  Every year thousands of people die. Most scientists think the birthplace of AIDS Africa. Education young people in Africa are not up to the mark. Sports in Africa is presented different kinds of sports. The most popular sport is football. Despite the poverty, hunger and illness Africans are cheerful and friendly. The end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Young people in the Africa have their problems

Young people in the Africa have their problems and hobbies. I tell about some of them.

and hobbies. I tell about some of them.

Слайд 3 Africa's biggest problem is hunger.  Every year thousands of

Africa's biggest problem is hunger.  Every year thousands of people die.

people die.

Слайд 4 Most scientists think the birthplace of AIDS Africa.

Most scientists think the birthplace of AIDS Africa.

Слайд 5 Education young people in Africa are not up

Education young people in Africa are not up to the mark.

to the mark.

Слайд 6 Sports in Africa is presented different kinds of

Sports in Africa is presented different kinds of sports.


Слайд 7 The most popular sport is football.

The most popular sport is football.

Слайд 8 Despite the poverty, hunger and illness Africans are

Despite the poverty, hunger and illness Africans are cheerful and friendly.

cheerful and friendly.

  • Имя файла: african-youth.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
  • Количество скачиваний: 0