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Презентация на тему Black Sea Biosphere Reserve

Black Sea Biosphere Reserve - a state nature reserve located on the sandy banks of the lower Dnieper.
Black Sea Biosphere Reserve Black Sea Biosphere Reserve - a state nature reserve located on the sandy banks of the lower Dnieper. The reserve was established in 1927 as part of a larger Black The preserve covers 14,158 ha of dry land and 74,971 It was created to protect nesting, wintering, and migratory birds and Its territory has revealed 926 species of natural flora, among them - Photos Great bustard Egret Pelican Eider Oystercatcher Hodulichnik Knapweed korotkogolovy Birch Dnieper Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Black Sea Biosphere Reserve - a state nature reserve located on

Black Sea Biosphere Reserve - a state nature reserve located on the sandy banks of the lower Dnieper.

the sandy banks of the lower Dnieper.

Слайд 3 The reserve was established in 1927 as part

The reserve was established in 1927 as part of a larger

of a larger Black Sea preserve and it became

a separate Black Sea Nature Reserve in 1933.

Слайд 4 The preserve covers 14,158 ha of

The preserve covers 14,158 ha of dry land and 74,971

dry land and 74,971 ha of water and constitutes

the largest nature preserve in Ukraine.

Слайд 5
It was created to protect

It was created to protect nesting, wintering, and migratory birds and

nesting, wintering, and migratory birds and to reserve the natural environment.

It occurs within the breeding of rare species of oystercatcher, sea zuyok, eider, hodulichnik, merganser long-legged, black-headed gull, white-tailed eagle, bustards, pelicans pink, cormorant and great egret had other.

Слайд 6 Its territory has revealed 926 species of natural

Its territory has revealed 926 species of natural flora, among them

flora, among them - more than 700 species of

vascular plants, 90 - lichens, 61 species of mosses, 87 species of fungi and nodding 91 species of fungi, parasites fitotrofnih. Here are kept the 16 species of plants listed in the European Red List and 24 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Слайд 7 Photos


Слайд 8 Great bustard

Great bustard

Слайд 9 Egret


Слайд 10 Pelican


Слайд 12 Oystercatcher


Слайд 13 Hodulichnik


Слайд 14 Knapweed korotkogolovy

Knapweed korotkogolovy

Слайд 15 Birch Dnieper

Birch Dnieper

  • Имя файла: black-sea-biosphere-reserve.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0