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Презентация на тему Customs and traditions of great britain and russia

ChristmasNew YearHalloweenEasterSt. Valentine’ DayMother’s Day
CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND RUSSIAJanuary, the 25 th ChristmasNew YearHalloweenEasterSt. Valentine’ DayMother’s Day rose, witch, pumpkin, ghostsweets, turkey, presentValentine cards, cupid, heart, angel egg, rabbitNew year tree, postcard Christmas New Year Halloween Easter St. Valentine’s Day V a l e n t i n e 's  c a r d s Mother’s Day Queen Elizabeth II Questions:1. Who is the living symbol of Great    Britain?2. GOOD LUCK!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Christmas
New Year
St. Valentine’ Day
Mother’s Day

ChristmasNew YearHalloweenEasterSt. Valentine’ DayMother’s Day

Слайд 3 rose,
witch, pumpkin, ghost
sweets, turkey, present
Valentine cards, cupid,

rose, witch, pumpkin, ghostsweets, turkey, presentValentine cards, cupid, heart, angel egg, rabbitNew year tree, postcard

heart, angel
egg, rabbit
New year tree, postcard

Слайд 4 Christmas


Слайд 6 New Year

New Year

Слайд 8 Halloween


Слайд 10 Easter


Слайд 11
St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 12 V a l e n t i n

V a l e n t i n e 's c a r d s

e 's c a r d s

Слайд 13 Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Слайд 15 Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 16 Questions:
1. Who is the living symbol of Great

Questions:1. Who is the living symbol of Great  Britain?2. How

2. How many birthdays does the

Queen have?
3. What British traditions do you know?
4. When does the Changing of Guard take
5. What historical ceremonies are held in

  • Имя файла: customs-and-traditions-of-great-britain-and-russia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 314
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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