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Guess: Our lesson is about…mals
ANIMALSГОУ СОШ № 483 с углубленным изучением информатики Выборгского района Санкт-Петербурга Guess: Our lesson is about…mals Name the animals: Listen, answer the question Make the word combinations, use words in frame and pictures Read word combinations, match them to Billy Have you got a pet? I have got a pet.I haven’t got Describe your pet.It is nice. It is merry. It is funny. It Can it fly? It can fly.  It can’t fly. Can it Does it like to eat meat?It likes to eat meat.It doesn’t like to eat meat. Let’s make a story about your pet, use the planI have got I have got a pet.I have got a dog.Its name is Fred.It Home WorkMake and write your own story about your pet or your toy – animal. Used in lessonучебник “Enjoy English”М.З.Биболетова 3 класс, Титул, 2008 www.google.com/pictures
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Guess: Our lesson is about…

Guess: Our lesson is about…mals

Слайд 3 Name the animals:

Name the animals:

Слайд 13 Listen, answer the question

Listen, answer the question

Слайд 14 Make the word combinations, use words in frame

Make the word combinations, use words in frame and pictures

and pictures

Слайд 15 Read word combinations, match them to Billy

Read word combinations, match them to Billy

Слайд 16 Have you got a pet?
I have got

Have you got a pet? I have got a pet.I haven’t

a pet.
I haven’t got a pet.
It is a dog.

It is a cat. It is a hamster.

It is 5. It is 3. It is 2.

How old is it?

Слайд 17 Describe your pet.

It is nice.
It is merry.

Describe your pet.It is nice. It is merry. It is funny.

It is funny.
It is smart.
It is kind.

isn’t angry.
It isn’t fat.
It isn’t stupid.


Слайд 18 Can it fly? It can fly. It can’t fly. Can

Can it fly? It can fly. It can’t fly. Can it

it swim? It can swim. It can’t swim. Can it sing? It

can sing. It can’t sing.

Слайд 19 Does it like to eat meat?
It likes to

Does it like to eat meat?It likes to eat meat.It doesn’t like to eat meat.

eat meat.
It doesn’t like to eat meat.

Слайд 20 Let’s make a story about your pet, use

Let’s make a story about your pet, use the planI have

the plan

I have got a pet.
I have got a…

name is…
It is…years old
It is …and nice
It isn’t …and angry
It can…
It can’t …
It likes to eat …
It doesn’t like to eat…
I like my pet.

Слайд 21 I have got a pet.
I have got a

I have got a pet.I have got a dog.Its name is

Its name is Fred.
It is 3 years old.
It is

kind and nice.
It isn’t fat and angry.
It can swim and jump.
It can’t fly and sing.
It likes to eat meat.
It doesn’t like to eat corn.
I like my pet very much.

Слайд 22 Home Work
Make and write your own story about

Home WorkMake and write your own story about your pet or your toy – animal.

your pet or your toy – animal.

  • Имя файла: everyone-wants-to-be-irish-on-st-patricks-day.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
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