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Презентация на тему How do teens express themselves ?


Subculture- (the behaviour, beliefs, and customs of) a particular group of people within a society, often a group whose behaviour is disaproved of by most people.
How Do Teens Express Their Individuality?Выполнила учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ №3»Голышева Е.А. Subculture- (the behaviour, beliefs, and customs of) a particular group of people Subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who have interests What are the ways of expressing the individuality?Why do young people join Teenagers have a particular relationship with the world. They always try to One of the most popular way of expressing the individuality is to ScoutsHippiesJoin organisations(officially registered)Join cultural grouping /subculture (haveInterests that vary from those of ScoutsEnvironmentalistsPunksBikersHippiesJoin organisations(officially registered)Join cultural grouping /subculture (haveInterests that vary from those of There are different groups and organizations in the world. They are: BIKERS2 or 3 wheeled bikeleather jacketsarmy boots PUNKS brightly coloured hairmetal chainsaggressive music GOTSLong black clothesInterests about the life beyond the grave HackersDeep understanding of computersSit at the computer from morning till night FOOTBALL FANSSymbols of the favourite sport teamThe anthem of the teamFollow the favourite team MUSICAL FANSCollect informationListen to musicVisit concerts RAPPERSWear wide clothesWear caps Wear metal chainsListen to rap ( or read rap) Your opinion ENVIRONMENTALISTS   GOOD points:Want to protect natureSolve ecological problemsImprove the HACKERS  GOOD points: ?    BAD points:1.Can use computer PUNKS  GOOD points:1. Can express themselves    BAD points:  ? But you can express your individuality in other way. You can choose Great sportsmen Andrei ArshavinHe is fond of football from his childhoodHe is 26 years Maria SharapovaShe is fond of tennis from her childhoodShe is How do you express your       individuality? Now its up to you to decide what to choose! Список литературы1.Английский язык: учебник для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений/ В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Subculture- (the behaviour, beliefs, and customs of) a

Subculture- (the behaviour, beliefs, and customs of) a particular group of

particular group of people within a society, often a

group whose behaviour is disaproved of by most people.

Слайд 3 Subculture is any group within a larger complex

Subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who have

culture who have interests that vary from those of

the mainstream culture.

Subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity.

Слайд 4 What are the ways of expressing the individuality?

What are the ways of expressing the individuality?Why do young people

do young people join the group?
What groups are

there in the world?

Слайд 5 Teenagers have a particular relationship with the world.

Teenagers have a particular relationship with the world. They always try

They always try to express their individuality.
To express

it they try to
show off;
show a rebellion against the parents, the regime, society;
reject everything;
join the group or the organization.

Слайд 6 One of the most popular way of expressing

One of the most popular way of expressing the individuality is

the individuality is to join the group or the


Teenagers join the group because they want:
To achieve something
To change the world for the best
To try out all sorts of options
To be in a collective
What other reasons can you suggest?

Слайд 7 Scouts

Join organisations
(officially registered)
Join cultural grouping /subculture (have
Interests that

ScoutsHippiesJoin organisations(officially registered)Join cultural grouping /subculture (haveInterests that vary from those

vary from those of the
Mainstream (dominant) culture)


Express themthelf in…




Слайд 8 Scouts
Join organisations
(officially registered)
Join cultural grouping /subculture (have
Interests that

ScoutsEnvironmentalistsPunksBikersHippiesJoin organisations(officially registered)Join cultural grouping /subculture (haveInterests that vary from those

vary from those of the
Mainstream (dominant) culture)


Express themselves in…





Слайд 9 There are different groups and organizations in the

There are different groups and organizations in the world. They are:

world. They are:
What other groups do you know?

Слайд 10 BIKERS
2 or 3 wheeled

BIKERS2 or 3 wheeled bikeleather jacketsarmy boots


leather jackets

army boots

Слайд 11 PUNKS
brightly coloured hair

metal chains


PUNKS brightly coloured hairmetal chainsaggressive music


Слайд 12 GOTS

Long black clothes

Interests about the life beyond the

GOTSLong black clothesInterests about the life beyond the grave


Слайд 13 Hackers
Deep understanding of computers

Sit at the computer from

HackersDeep understanding of computersSit at the computer from morning till night

morning till night

Symbols of the favourite sport team

The anthem

FOOTBALL FANSSymbols of the favourite sport teamThe anthem of the teamFollow the favourite team

of the team

Follow the favourite team

Collect information

Listen to music

Visit concerts

MUSICAL FANSCollect informationListen to musicVisit concerts

Слайд 16 RAPPERS
Wear wide clothes

Wear caps

Wear metal chains

Listen to

RAPPERSWear wide clothesWear caps Wear metal chainsListen to rap ( or read rap)

( or read rap)

Слайд 17 Your opinion

Your opinion

GOOD points:
Want to protect

ENVIRONMENTALISTS  GOOD points:Want to protect natureSolve ecological problemsImprove the

Solve ecological problems
Improve the ecological situation

BAD points:


Слайд 19 HACKERS
GOOD points:

HACKERS GOOD points: ?  BAD points:1.Can use computer to crack

BAD points:

1.Can use computer to crack something’s system

2.Forget everything

because can sit at the computer from morning till night

Слайд 20 PUNKS
GOOD points:

1. Can express themselves

PUNKS GOOD points:1. Can express themselves  BAD points: ?

BAD points:

Слайд 21 But you can express your individuality in other

But you can express your individuality in other way. You can

way. You can choose the other style of life!

Слайд 22 Great sportsmen

Great sportsmen

Слайд 23 Andrei Arshavin
He is fond of football from his

Andrei ArshavinHe is fond of football from his childhoodHe is 26


He is 26 years old

He is the forward

of “ ZENIT”

Слайд 24 Maria Sharapova
She is fond of tennis

Maria SharapovaShe is fond of tennis from her childhoodShe is

from her childhood

She is 20 years old

She is the

tennisplayer in the world (1.88m)

Слайд 25 How do you express your

How do you express your    individuality?


Слайд 26 Now its up to you to decide what

Now its up to you to decide what to choose!

to choose!

  • Имя файла: how-do-teens-express-themselves-.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0