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Презентация на тему How to write a story

First you have to…..Decide who the characters are.Who is going to be in the story?What sort of characters are they?
How to write a story First you have to…..Decide who the characters are.Who is going to be Next consider …..Where and when your story is going to take place. Time for the Problem….What is going to happen in your story?What is Include Important EventsA summary of what happens in the story.The events in Finally ….the Solution  How it all ends.The problem is solved.What type of ending?	Happy? Sad? Think about ……Who?Where? When?What?How?Why?These will help you to know …..
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 First you have to…..
Decide who the characters are.

First you have to…..Decide who the characters are.Who is going to

is going to be in the story?
What sort of

characters are they?

Слайд 3 Next consider …..
Where and when your story is

Next consider …..Where and when your story is going to take

going to take place.
This is called the setting.




Слайд 4 Time for the Problem….
What is going to happen

Time for the Problem….What is going to happen in your story?What

in your story?
What is the main event?
What type

of story is it?

Слайд 5 Include Important Events
A summary of what happens in

Include Important EventsA summary of what happens in the story.The events

the story.
The events in the story
This is known as

the plot.

Слайд 6 Finally ….the Solution
How it all ends.

Finally ….the Solution How it all ends.The problem is solved.What type of ending?	Happy? Sad?

problem is solved.
What type of ending?
Happy? Sad?

  • Имя файла: how-to-write-a-story.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0