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Презентация на тему Jeopardy


Question 1 - 10What are two cases when we use Present Continuous Tense?What is its structure?Can we use it with state verbs?Give 3 examples.
Grammar Question 1 - 10What are two cases when we use Present Continuous Answer 1 – 10 Question 1 - 20When do we use Past Simple?What is its structure?Say Answer 1 – 20 Question 1 - 30When do we use Present Perfect Simple?What is its Answer 1 – 30 Question 1 - 40When Past Perfect tense is used?What is its structure? Answer 1 – 40 Question 1 - 50How do we use Past Continuous and Past Simple Answer 1 – 50 Question 2 - 10 Question 2 - 20What structure do we use to speak about past Answer 2 – 20 Question 2 - 30Make a sentence where a verb has two objects, explain the grammar. Answer 2 – 30 Question 2 - 40When do we use “to be going to” structure?How Answer 2 – 40 Question 2 - 50How do we make comparative adjectives?What structures do we Answer 2 – 50 BUT: adjective with two or more syllables ending Question 3 - 10What modals do we use to speak about ability?Give examples. Answer 3 – 10 Question 3 - 20What modal verbs do we use to make predictions about future?Give 3 examples. Answer 3 – 20 Question 3 - 30What modal verb is used to talk about past Answer 3 – 30 Question 3 - 40Which modal verbs do we use for permission and Answer 3 – 40 Question 3 - 50 Question 4 - 10When do we use the following articles: a / Answer 4 – 10 Question 4 - 20What adverb of manner do you know?Are there any Answer 4 – 20 Question 4 - 30What is reported speech?How do tenses change in the Answer 4 – 30 Question 4 - 40 Question 4 - 50 Question 5 - 10 Question 5 - 20What is Present Simple Passive? What is its structure?Give Answer 5 – 20 Question 5 - 30What are the 2nd conditionals?Give 2 examples. Answer 5 – 30 Question 5 - 40What are the 1st conditionals?Give 3 examples. Answer 5 – 40 Question 5 - 50What are countable and uncountable nouns?What articles or words Answer 5 – 50
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Question 1 - 10
What are two cases when

Question 1 - 10What are two cases when we use Present

we use Present Continuous Tense?
What is its structure?
Can we

use it with state verbs?
Give 3 examples.

Слайд 4 Answer 1 – 10

Answer 1 – 10

Слайд 5 Question 1 - 20
When do we use Past

Question 1 - 20When do we use Past Simple?What is its

What is its structure?
Say the second form of the

following verbs: ride, teach, understand, catch.
Give 3 examples of Past Simple sentences.

Слайд 6 Answer 1 – 20

Answer 1 – 20

Слайд 7 Question 1 - 30
When do we use Present

Question 1 - 30When do we use Present Perfect Simple?What is

Perfect Simple?
What is its structure?
Give 3 examples using for

and since.
What is the meaning of just, yet and already?

Слайд 8 Answer 1 – 30

Answer 1 – 30

Слайд 9 Question 1 - 40
When Past Perfect tense is

Question 1 - 40When Past Perfect tense is used?What is its structure?

What is its structure?

Слайд 10 Answer 1 – 40

Answer 1 – 40

Слайд 11 Question 1 - 50
How do we use Past

Question 1 - 50How do we use Past Continuous and Past

Continuous and Past Simple in the sentence?
What do when

and while mean in such sentences?

Слайд 12 Answer 1 – 50

Answer 1 – 50

Слайд 13 Question 2 - 10

Question 2 - 10

Слайд 15 Question 2 - 20
What structure do we use

Question 2 - 20What structure do we use to speak about

to speak about past habits, that are not true

Give 3 examples.

Слайд 16 Answer 2 – 20

Answer 2 – 20

Слайд 17 Question 2 - 30
Make a sentence where a

Question 2 - 30Make a sentence where a verb has two objects, explain the grammar.

verb has two objects, explain the grammar.

Слайд 18 Answer 2 – 30

Answer 2 – 30

Слайд 19 Question 2 - 40
When do we use “to

Question 2 - 40When do we use “to be going to”

be going to” structure?
How does it change depending on

a person?
What time expressions are often used with it?
What is the difference between will and to be going to?
Give three examples.

Слайд 20 Answer 2 – 40

Answer 2 – 40

Слайд 21 Question 2 - 50
How do we make comparative

Question 2 - 50How do we make comparative adjectives?What structures do

What structures do we use to make comparison?
How do

we make superlative adjectives?
What are irregular adjectives? Give examples.

Слайд 22 Answer 2 – 50
BUT: adjective with two

Answer 2 – 50 BUT: adjective with two or more syllables

or more syllables ending in –y changes according to

the rules of one syllable adjective: happy – happier – the happiest.

Слайд 23 Question 3 - 10
What modals do we use

Question 3 - 10What modals do we use to speak about ability?Give examples.

to speak about ability?
Give examples.

Слайд 24 Answer 3 – 10

Answer 3 – 10

Слайд 25 Question 3 - 20
What modal verbs do we

Question 3 - 20What modal verbs do we use to make predictions about future?Give 3 examples.

use to make predictions about future?
Give 3 examples.

Слайд 26 Answer 3 – 20

Answer 3 – 20

Слайд 27 Question 3 - 30
What modal verb is used

Question 3 - 30What modal verb is used to talk about

to talk about past habits?
What is the difference

between would and used to?

Слайд 28 Answer 3 – 30

Answer 3 – 30

Слайд 29 Question 3 - 40
Which modal verbs do we

Question 3 - 40Which modal verbs do we use for permission

use for permission and obligation?
Do we need an auxiliary

verb when making question and negative form with modals?
Give 3 examples with different modals.

Слайд 30 Answer 3 – 40

Answer 3 – 40

Слайд 31 Question 3 - 50

Question 3 - 50

Слайд 33 Question 4 - 10
When do we use the

Question 4 - 10When do we use the following articles: a

following articles: a / an, the, no article.

an example for each rule.

Слайд 34 Answer 4 – 10

Answer 4 – 10

Слайд 35 Question 4 - 20
What adverb of manner do

Question 4 - 20What adverb of manner do you know?Are there

you know?
Are there any irregular verbs?
What are the rules

of forming adverbs of manner?
Give examples using each adverb.

Слайд 36 Answer 4 – 20

Answer 4 – 20

Слайд 37 Question 4 - 30
What is reported speech?
How do

Question 4 - 30What is reported speech?How do tenses change in

tenses change in the reported speech?
How do we usually

start the reported speech?
Give examples.

Слайд 38 Answer 4 – 30

Answer 4 – 30

Слайд 39 Question 4 - 40

Question 4 - 40

Слайд 41 Question 4 - 50

Question 4 - 50

Слайд 43 Question 5 - 10

Question 5 - 10

Слайд 45 Question 5 - 20
What is Present Simple Passive?

Question 5 - 20What is Present Simple Passive? What is its

What is its structure?
Give 2 examples.

What is Past Simple

What is its structure?
Give 2 examples.

Слайд 46 Answer 5 – 20

Answer 5 – 20

Слайд 47 Question 5 - 30
What are the 2nd conditionals?

Question 5 - 30What are the 2nd conditionals?Give 2 examples.

2 examples.

Слайд 48 Answer 5 – 30

Answer 5 – 30

Слайд 49 Question 5 - 40
What are the 1st conditionals?

Question 5 - 40What are the 1st conditionals?Give 3 examples.

3 examples.

Слайд 50 Answer 5 – 40

Answer 5 – 40

Слайд 51 Question 5 - 50
What are countable and uncountable

Question 5 - 50What are countable and uncountable nouns?What articles or

What articles or words can we use before them?

do we use too, too much / many and (not) enough?
Give examples.
After which verbs do we use gerunds and infinitives?

  • Имя файла: jeopardy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0