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Презентация на тему конспект урока по английскому языку Тема: “Enjoying your home план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

[ɒ] Clock, clock, clock A dog plays with a frog, The frog plays with a dog Clock, clock, clock.
The 24th of October, Friday [ɒ] Clock, clock, clock A dog plays with a frog, The frog Bedr__mki___enba__rooml_ving roomto_letootchthii o s f asofa d w w i o nwindow a The bear is under the chair. The cat _____ the table The cat __ the boxThe cat _____ the sofainaboveunder The cat ______ the armchair The cat _______ the fireplace and the The bear __ ___ _____ chairThe cat __ ___ ____ cornerin the rightin the left 1.Of  2. Next to  3. On  4. On На полу – on the floorВ левом углу – in the left There is a big grey carpet on my floorThere are three windows There is a desk and four chairs in the room. — В комнате ёHome workПодготовка к контрольной работе;повторить структуру there is/are;Повторить предлоги места;Повторить слова по
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 [ɒ] Clock, clock, clock A dog plays with a frog, The

[ɒ] Clock, clock, clock A dog plays with a frog, The

frog plays with a dog Clock, clock, clock.

Слайд 3 Bedr__m
l_ving room

Bedr__mki___enba__rooml_ving roomto_letootchthii

Слайд 4 o s f a
d w w

o s f asofa d w w i o nwindow

i o n
a p m l
e s

l h f


b l t e a


Слайд 5 The bear is under the chair.

The bear is under the chair.

Слайд 6
The cat _____ the table
The cat __

The cat _____ the table The cat __ the boxThe cat _____ the sofainaboveunder

the box
The cat _____ the sofa

Слайд 7
The cat ______ the armchair
The cat _______

The cat ______ the armchair The cat _______ the fireplace and

the fireplace and the armchair
The table in ___ ______

__ the room



the middle of

Слайд 8
The bear __ ___ _____ chair
The cat __

The bear __ ___ _____ chairThe cat __ ___ ____ cornerin the rightin the left

___ ____ corner
in the right
in the left

Слайд 9
2. Next to
3. On

1.Of 2. Next to 3. On 4. On 5. On 6. Of

4. On
5. On
6. Of

Слайд 10
На полу – on the floor
В левом углу

На полу – on the floorВ левом углу – in the

– in the left corner
В правом углу – in

the right corner
Под кроватью – under the bed
Над столом – over the table
За креслом – behind the chair
Между диваном и пианино – between the sofa and the piano
Рядом с камином - next to the fireplace

Слайд 11
There is a big grey carpet on my

There is a big grey carpet on my floorThere are three

There are three windows in our living room
There are

a lot of books on the shelves
There is a nice armchair in Tiny’s house
There are no chairs in my bedroom

Слайд 12
There is a desk and four chairs in the

There is a desk and four chairs in the room. — В

room. — В комнате письменный стол и четыре стула.

  • Имя файла: konspekt-uroka-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-tema-“enjoying-your-home-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 74
  • Количество скачиваний: 0