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Презентация на тему Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi
Presentation  student 10-A class  Alyona Bondar Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi - a leader and ideologist of the national liberation movement of India Mahatma Gandhi rejected violence in any form. For over 30 years, he 1947 for Gandhi ended a bitter disappointment. He continued to prove futility In January 1948, in a desperate attempt to stop international conflicts Mahatma Sacrificial action Gandhi had the necessary influence on society. Leaders of religious Flushed with hope, Gandhi ended his hunger strike. However, the balance of Hindu militant preachers accused Gandhi of infringement of their religious His name is surrounded by India in the same reverence with which He enjoyed great trust Indians, came to him for help and advice,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Слайд 3 Mahatma Gandhi - a leader and ideologist of

Mahatma Gandhi - a leader and ideologist of the national liberation movement of India

the national liberation movement of India

Слайд 4 Mahatma Gandhi rejected violence in any form. For

Mahatma Gandhi rejected violence in any form. For over 30 years,

over 30 years, he constantly preached the philosophy and

in the end proved to the world the effectiveness of non- violent politics, when in 1947, India welfare giving efforts Gandhi peacefully gained its independence from Britain

Слайд 5 1947 for Gandhi ended a bitter disappointment. He

1947 for Gandhi ended a bitter disappointment. He continued to prove

continued to prove futility of violence, but it seemed

that no one has heard of.

Слайд 6 In January 1948, in a desperate attempt to

In January 1948, in a desperate attempt to stop international conflicts

stop international conflicts Mahatma Gandhi resorted to a hunger

strike. He explained his decision as follows: "Death will be my miraculous deliverance.'d Rather die than be a helpless witness to self-destruction of India.

Слайд 7 Sacrificial action Gandhi had the necessary influence on

Sacrificial action Gandhi had the necessary influence on society. Leaders of

society. Leaders of religious groups agreed to a compromise.

Слайд 8 Flushed with hope, Gandhi ended his hunger strike.

Flushed with hope, Gandhi ended his hunger strike. However, the balance

However, the balance of power in the country was

unstable. Soon a strong movement against the progressive leader of the young independent states started to gain momentum.

Слайд 9 Hindu militant preachers accused Gandhi of

Hindu militant preachers accused Gandhi of infringement of their religious

infringement of their religious rights. They called for armed

intervention, even though we knew that as

long as Gandhi was alive, the use of violence will not let them. Remained "convince" stubborn force of arms.

Слайд 10 His name is surrounded by India in the

His name is surrounded by India in the same reverence with

same reverence with which speaks the names of saints.

  • Имя файла: mahatma-gandhi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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