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Презентация на тему Talking a walk around familiar places

The Town of Tomsk was born by the river. Its parents – the servicemen – came here by river. The river bank became its body, the riverbed – the navel-cord, and the name of the river
Talking a walk around familiar places The Town of Tomsk was born by the river. Its parents – «Muchnoj» corps (Flour Storehouse)It is the former flour storehouse designed by architect Brick BridgeThe bridge was given the name to differentiate it from the The «Slavyanskii Bazaar» RestaurantBuilt as a tavern from the design of architect Monument to Chekhov in Tomsk Tomsk Oblast Drama TheatreOpened on February 4, 1978 with a first-night performance Embankment of the Ushaika RiverThis historically rich part of the town nearly The «1000 trifles» Store On the façade decorating the Embankment of the The «Cinemaworld»In the near past, it used to be the Maxim Gorky Central PharmacyWas built in 1906 – 1908 as a drugstore for a Local Lore MuseumEstablished in 1922, it is located in the former estate House with «Fire-birds»The house of a retired sergeant major L. Zhelyabo. Its The «Upper Foodstore»This used to be a department store of merchant Gadalov Novosobornaya SquareIt used to be the major square of the town for Tomsk is surrounded by fine forests of pine, birch, cedar and fir Jane Bespalova  7th form  Tomsk 2010 Мой таежный, Мой любимый,    Стародавний,        Красочный.Ты один такой   в        России,Будто      терем      сказочный,Весь Список использованной литературы:Томск. Прогулки по знакомым местам.GalaPress, 2003 184 стр.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Town of Tomsk was born by the

The Town of Tomsk was born by the river. Its parents

river. Its parents – the servicemen – came here

by river. The river bank became its body, the riverbed – the navel-cord, and the name of the river – its own name.

My Home Town TOMSK

Слайд 3 «Muchnoj» corps (Flour Storehouse)
It is the former flour

«Muchnoj» corps (Flour Storehouse)It is the former flour storehouse designed by

storehouse designed by architect T. Fischel and built in

1907. It completed the ensemble of trading and merchandise buildings in Bazaar Square (now Lenin Square). Its domes, imitating the bags full of flour, still remind of the former usage.

Слайд 4 Brick Bridge
The bridge was given the name to

Brick BridgeThe bridge was given the name to differentiate it from

differentiate it from the former wooden Dumskii Bridge designed

by Gavrila Batenkov in 1819, which served nearly a hundred years. The Brick Bridge was being constructed during the wartime (1915 – 1916), so Austrian prisoners took part in the works. That may be why, but mostly thanks to participation of architect K. Lygin in the decoration, the bridge is as good as its many European counterparts.

Слайд 5 The «Slavyanskii Bazaar» Restaurant
Built as a tavern from

The «Slavyanskii Bazaar» RestaurantBuilt as a tavern from the design of

the design of architect V. Khabarov. Downstairs, meals were

served; and in the upstairs rooms the merchants celebrated their profitable bargains. Anton Chekhov, who passed via Tomsk in 1890, wrote in his letter, «… there’s the «Slavyanskii Bazaar» here. Lunch meals are good.

Слайд 6 Monument to Chekhov in Tomsk

Monument to Chekhov in Tomsk

Слайд 7 Tomsk Oblast Drama Theatre
Opened on February 4, 1978

Tomsk Oblast Drama TheatreOpened on February 4, 1978 with a first-night

with a first-night performance of «Solyonaya Pad» ( after

S. Zalygin). There used to stand «Gostinyi Dvor», a terraced brick building of merchant s shops completing the ensemble with the Commodity Exchange building. Unfortunately, that unique ensemble has not been preserved to this day.

Слайд 8 Embankment of the Ushaika River
This historically rich part

Embankment of the Ushaika RiverThis historically rich part of the town

of the town nearly disappeared in the last quarter

of XX century through a series of architectural modernizations. The Tomskians, fortunately, managed to preserve this scenic place.

Слайд 9 The «1000 trifles» Store
On the façade decorating

The «1000 trifles» Store On the façade decorating the Embankment of

the Embankment of the Ushaika there’s the name «1000

trifles», while nearly a
hundred years ago it was a famous merchant Vtorov’s Department Store, built in 1904. A solid strongly set construction elegantly wears the fragile intricacies of Art Nouveau elements.

Слайд 10 The «Cinemaworld»
In the near past, it used to

The «Cinemaworld»In the near past, it used to be the Maxim

be the Maxim Gorky cinema hall. The building was

constructed by the owner of the Buff Garden V. Morozov for a chamber theatre, named later «Intim».

Слайд 11 Central Pharmacy
Was built in 1906 – 1908 as

Central PharmacyWas built in 1906 – 1908 as a drugstore for

a drugstore for a St. Petersburg trading house «Stoll

& Schmit». The drugstore was downstairs and the chemist, who was always ready to serve a customer, lived upstairs. Today it is still functioning as a pharmacy, though no pharmacists are living upstairs.

Слайд 12 Local Lore Museum
Established in 1922, it is located

Local Lore MuseumEstablished in 1922, it is located in the former

in the former estate of the gold mine owner

I. Astashev. The group of the buildings occupied by the museum dates its history from 1842 and is historically appealing for the fact that has been preserved in the center of the town without essential losses and reconstructions. G. Batenkov and M. Bakunin were guests to this house. In 1868, the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich stayed there. In 1879, the heirs of Astashev sold the house to Tomsk Clerical Administration.

Слайд 13 House with «Fire-birds»
The house of a retired sergeant

House with «Fire-birds»The house of a retired sergeant major L. Zhelyabo.

major L. Zhelyabo. Its construction ( 1896 – 1914

) was supervised by architect P. Fedorovskii and actually performed by unknown carpenters and carving and fretwork masters. It started from an ordinary log-house, then more and more additional structures, adornments and details were made to turn the house into a real fairy-tale palace.

Слайд 14 The «Upper Foodstore»
This used to be a department

The «Upper Foodstore»This used to be a department store of merchant

store of merchant Gadalov – one of the representatives

of the famous family of merchants settled in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Owing to the ability to built successful business relations with the western partners, the Gadalovs delivered to the Siberians the most fashionable European goods – furs, clothes, footwear… After the October Revolution, the store was converted into a shop selling food, which became known as «the Upper Foodstore» in contrast to one at the foot of the hill.

Слайд 15 Novosobornaya Square
It used to be the major square

Novosobornaya SquareIt used to be the major square of the town

of the town for religious services and events, and

later – rallies, demonstrations, and athletic festivals. Today, it is one of the coziest and most beautiful public gardens in Tomsk.

Слайд 16 Tomsk is surrounded by fine forests of pine,

Tomsk is surrounded by fine forests of pine, birch, cedar and

birch, cedar and fir trees. It is not far

from Tomsk. In summer I like to go to the river to swim and lie in the sun, to read a book in the shadow of the trees or walk along the forest listening to birds songs and admiring the beauty of the nature. I like my town Tomsk.

Слайд 17
Jane Bespalova 7th form Tomsk 2010

Jane Bespalova 7th form Tomsk 2010

Слайд 18 Мой таежный, Мой любимый,   
Стародавний,        Красочный.
Ты один такой  

Мой таежный, Мой любимый,    Стародавний,        Красочный.Ты один такой   в        России,Будто      терем     

в        России,
Будто      терем      сказочный,
Весь в  резьбе, как в паутинке,

на      ставни выпускал,                                   
На        певучей       берестинке
Тебя        мастер     высветлил,
Из травинок,        из   росинок
На досуге сотворил
И  в   счастливый    час России
Это чудо подарил
( Михаил Карбышев. Томский поэт).

  • Имя файла: talking-a-walk-around-familiar-places.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0