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Презентация на тему Mind-Map

Read the last paragraph of the story and check your predictions Mr Green found his son under the table with two buckets of water. Finally it turned out that he was playing the game “A fireman”
Me and My WorldFriendsHobbies andPastimesFamilyBiographyLikesand dislikesTraditionsMind-Map Read the last paragraph of the story and check your predictions Mr MeatAdj.:     boiled, friedVerb: HolidaysWinterSpringSummerAutumn Method: 5 W Method: We want to know
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the last paragraph of the story and

Read the last paragraph of the story and check your predictions

check your predictions
Mr Green found his son under

the table with two buckets of water. Finally it turned out that he was playing the game “A fireman”

Слайд 3 Meat
Adj.: boiled, fried

MeatAdj.:   boiled, friedVerb:    cut, eat, cookFeelings:

cut, eat, cook
Feelings: can

be tasty,
can be salty
General noun: Food


Слайд 4 Holidays


Слайд 5 Method: 5 W

Method: 5 W

  • Имя файла: mind-map.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0