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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Reported Speech (9 класс)

Direct Speech Reported Speech Bill said (to me), ‘I’m happy.’ Bill said (that) he
Reported Speech Direct Speech  Reported Speech   Bill said (to me), ‘I’m tell me/ us/ him/ her/ them/ Ann Present Simple  -  Past Simple Past Simple  -  Past Perfect Present Perfect  -  Past Perfect Present Past Future Simple - Future in the Past Modal verbs  can  -  could may  - Past Perfect – (had gone)  Past Perfect Continuous – Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Reported Orders/ Commands    She said to him, ‘Come at Reported Questions ‘Why did you buy these shoes?’ asked Jo. Jo asked Reported Speech: time and place changes Direct speech Reported speech: pronoun and determiner changesDirect speech
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Direct Speech Reported Speech Bill said (to

Direct Speech Reported Speech  Bill said (to me), ‘I’m happy.’

me), ‘I’m happy.’ Bill said (that)

he was happy. ‘She likes me.’ He told me (that) she liked him.

Слайд 3 tell me/ us/ him/ her/ them/ Ann

tell me/ us/ him/ her/ them/ Ann

I said nothing to him.
say smth

(to smb)

tell smb smth

Слайд 4 Present Simple - Past

Present Simple - Past Simple


are - were am / is - was live - lived go - went

Слайд 5 Past Simple - Past Perfect

Past Simple - Past Perfect   was /were -

was /were - had been

went - had gone

Слайд 6 Present Perfect - Past Perfect

Present Perfect - Past Perfect    have been

have been -

had been has gone - had gone

Слайд 7 Present

Present     Past Continuous  -

Past Continuous -

Continuous am /is going - was going are going - were going

Слайд 8 Past

Past      Past Continuous

Past Continuous

- Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous was/were going - had been going

Слайд 9 Future Simple - Future in the Past

Future Simple - Future in the Past

will go - would go

Слайд 10 Modal verbs can - could may -

Modal verbs can - could may - might must – had

might must – had to must (приказ или совет) -

must should, would, could, had to, mustn’t, might, had better, used to – не меняются!

Слайд 11 Past Perfect – (had gone) Past Perfect

Past Perfect – (had gone) Past Perfect Continuous –

Continuous –

(had been going) Остаются без изменения!

Слайд 12 Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Present

Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Present Simple, Present Perfect,

Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple (say, tell, etc), то

глагол в придаточном предложении остается в том же времени, что он был и в прямой речи.

Слайд 13 Reported Orders/ Commands She said to him, ‘Come

Reported Orders/ Commands  She said to him, ‘Come at 5’.

at 5’. She told him to come at 5. He said

to me, ‘Don’t go there.’ He told me not to go there.

tell smb + (not) to V

Слайд 14 Reported Questions
‘Why did you buy these shoes?’

Reported Questions ‘Why did you buy these shoes?’ asked Jo. Jo

asked Jo.

Jo asked me why I had

bought those shoes.

‘Are you going out?’ asked Ann.

Ann asked if/whether I was going out.

Слайд 15 Reported Speech: time and place changes Direct speech

Reported Speech: time and place changes Direct speech   Reported

Reported speech here

there now/ then/ at the moment at that moment tomorrow the next/ the following day next week/month the following week yesterday the day before/ the previous day last week the week before

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-reported-speech-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0