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GentlyAssisted by three Friends
by Olga Stepanova, Chadukassinskaya Main School, Chuvashia A DogMini-Encyclopedia GentlyAssisted by three Friends ДАЛЕЕThe Meaning of the Word The Proverbs and Sayings about dogs Dogs The  dog is a subspecies of the gray wolf a member of the Canidae family of the mammalian order Carnivora. The The Morphology of a Dog Dog Wisdom from the World around Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #1 from three Here, the dog is alleged to have belonged to Llywelyn the Great, Prince Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #2 from three Dogs can be playful and run for a ball,Dogs can be good Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #3 from three НАЗАДChamp’s my dog and he’s always in my heart, He loves me Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #4 from three My Puppy Is A Handfulby Ann DaviesMy puppy is a handful, So full Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #5 from three НАЗАД Loves his ball it's his favorite thing What's most fun for Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #6 from three Dog And Me    by Emily GuthrieI only have a Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #7 from three ДАЛЕЕDogs are more than pets, they’re companions There is nothing quite as Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #8 from three ДАЛЕЕIt is good luck for dogs to come to your house.Howling dogs Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #9 from three - There are more than 150 dog breeds, divided into 8 classes: The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.Teddy Roosevelt's dog, Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #10 from three Hachiko:A Dog's StoryHow boundless could be a dog's love to its master? Have you ever heard about Hachiko? Lasse Hallström, a director from the movie A Tiny Video Clip for you with LoveBe creative. Make up a Three Friends PAGEWell, who is a winner today? We are sending you All the Information and all the pictures were taken from the Internet Thank you for being with us!See you! SOURCES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doghttp://visual.merriam-webster.com/animal-kingdom/carnivorous-mammals/dog/morphology-dog_1.phphttp://dogpic.com.ua/category/krasivye-sobaki/http://www.businessinsider.com/the-11-best-dog-breeds-of-all-time-2013-8http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anatolian_shepherd_dog.jpghttp://www.special-dictionary.com/proverbs/keywords/dogs/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelerthttp://adinah.hubpages.com/hub/Dog-Poems-for-Childrenhttp://www.voicesnet.org/displayonepoem.aspx?poemid=53464http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-puppy-is-a-handfulhttp://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/friend/pet/http://www.petfinder.com/dogs/bringing-a-dog-home/facts-about-new-dog/http://www.yolfercanijosconencanto.com/index.html?body19.html
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Gently
Assisted by
three Friends

GentlyAssisted by three Friends

Слайд 3 ДАЛЕЕ
The Meaning of the Word
The Proverbs and

ДАЛЕЕThe Meaning of the Word The Proverbs and Sayings about dogs

Sayings about dogs
Dogs & Superstitions
Some interesting facts
The Most

Touching Film

A Video from gif.com


The Morphology of a Dog

Слайд 4 The  dog is a subspecies of the gray wolf a member of the Canidae family

The  dog is a subspecies of the gray wolf a member of the Canidae family of the mammalian order Carnivora.

of the mammalian order Carnivora. The term "domestic dog" is generally

used for both domesticated and feral varieties. The dog was the first domesticated animal and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and pet animal in human history.The word "dog" can also refer to the male of a canine species, as opposed to the word "bitch" which refers to the female of the species.


The Dog

The Definition from Wikipedia

The Definition from Wikipedia

Слайд 5 The Morphology of a Dog

The Morphology of a Dog

Слайд 6 Dog Wisdom from the World around

Dog Wisdom from the World around

Some Proverbs & Sayings

“In every country dogs bite.”
– English Proverb
"Every dog is allowed one bite.
" - US Proverb
"A good dog deserves a good bone.
" - US Proverb

“Take a dog for a companion and a stick in your hand.’ English Proverb
“Quarrelsome dogs get dirty coats. “ – English Proverb "A dog that runs after two bones catches neither." - English Proverb
"Do not respond to a barking dog." - Moroccan, Jewish saying
"Beware of a silent dog and still water." - Latin Proverb
"Children aren't dogs; adults aren't gods." - Haitian Proverb
"To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog." - German Proverb
"The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel." - Egyptian Proverb



Слайд 7 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #1 from


Question #1
from three Friends:

"A good dog deserves a

good …… .
" - US Proverb

Слайд 8 Here, the dog is alleged to have belonged

Here, the dog is alleged to have belonged to Llywelyn the Great,

to Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd, a gift from King John

of England. In this legend, Llywelyn returns from hunting to find his baby missing, the cradle overturned, and the dog with a blood-smeared mouth. Believing the dog savaged the child, Llywelyn draws his sword and kills it. After the dog's dying yelp Llywelyn hears the cries of the baby, unharmed under the cradle, along with a dead wolf which had attacked the child and been killed by Gelert. Llywelyn is then overcome with remorse and he buries the dog with great ceremony, yet he can still hear the dying yelp. After that day Llywelyn never smiles again.

A Real Story. Wales

A Real Story. Wales

Слайд 9 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #2 from


Question #2
from three Friends:

Llywelyn draws his sword and

….. it.

Слайд 10 Dogs can be playful and run for a

Dogs can be playful and run for a ball,Dogs can be

Dogs can be good and come when you call,

can be friendly when they wag their tail,
Dogs can be yucky when they sniff a snail,

Dogs can do chewing and bury a bone,
Dogs can be noisy and make Mummy groan,
Dogs can be dirty and covered in goo,
Dogs can be naughty and chew up your shoe.

Dogs can be fluffy and dogs can have spots,
Dogs can have some and dogs can have lots,
Dogs can be naughty and dogs can be good,
Dogs can do poop where never they should,

Dogs can be funny when they catch a fly,
Dogs can be greedy when they smell shepherds pie!
Dogs can be fun and dogs can be fine,
Dogs are best friends and I LOVE mine!


Poems Poems Poems

Poems Poems Poems

Слайд 11 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #3 from


Question #3
from three Friends:

Dogs can be friendly when

they wag their tail,
Dogs can be yucky when they sniff a ….. .

Слайд 12 НАЗАД
Champ’s my dog and he’s always in my

НАЗАДChamp’s my dog and he’s always in my heart, He loves

heart, He loves me as well, and that’s the best

part. Champ is exceptionally pleasant, he is rarely ever a pest, He's affectionate and loving, that’s what makes him the best. Wherever I go, no matter where I am, His love stays with me, his friendly self, gentle as a lamb. And when he dies, and leaves me behind, He will never be forgotten, since he was the pleasurable kind. Champ always has happiness to lend, And that’s what makes him my true best friend.

By Karyn Jayne Sheeley,

My Dog

Слайд 13 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #4 from


Question #4
from three Friends:

Wherever I go, no matter

where I am, His love stays with me, his friendly self, gentle as a …… .

Слайд 14 My Puppy Is A Handful
by Ann Davies
My puppy is

My Puppy Is A Handfulby Ann DaviesMy puppy is a handful, So

a handful, So full of energy, She jumps around to greet

us, And wags her tail with glee.

She digs when in the garden, Getting muddy from her head to her toes, Whatever goes on in her mind, Heaven only knows!

Слайд 15 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #5 from


Question #5
from three Friends:

My puppy is a handful, So

full of energy, She jumps around to greet us, And wags her tail with ……. .

Слайд 16 НАЗАД
Loves his ball it's his favorite thing What's most

НАЗАД Loves his ball it's his favorite thing What's most fun

fun for him? Everything! Great big tongue that licks my

face Has a crate his very own space. Big brown eyes like moon pies He's my friend till the very end!

My Best Friend
by Abby Jenkins

Black and White Thick and furry Fast as the wind  Always in a hurry Couple of spots Rub my ears Always comes his name he hears!

Слайд 17 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #6 from


Question #6
from three Friends:

Great big tongue that licks

my face, Has a crate his very own ….. .

Слайд 18 Dog And Me by Emily

Dog And Me  by Emily GuthrieI only have a group


I only have a group of three,  me, my dog,

my dog and me

It's a lonely way to be,  me, my dog, my dog and me We are a safe with no key,  me, my dog, my dog and me Three to talk to two to see,  me, my dog, my dog, and me 

Слайд 19 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #7 from


Question #7
from three Friends:

I only have a group

of ….. ,  me, my dog, my dog and me

Слайд 20 ДАЛЕЕ
Dogs are more than pets, they’re companions

ДАЛЕЕDogs are more than pets, they’re companions There is nothing quite

is nothing quite as cute as a puppy Dogs are

fiercely loyal  Dogs are great listeners Dogs do not judge their masters Dogs are grateful for any food fed them Dogs are ready to play anytime
Dogs can be trained to carry, guide, search, rescue and hunt Dogs protect life & property, even to their own demise
Dogs are 'Man’s best friend'

After all, God is Dog spelled
Ray Lucero

Слайд 21 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #8 from


Question #8
from three Friends:

Dogs do not ….. their


Слайд 22 ДАЛЕЕ
It is good luck for dogs to come

ДАЛЕЕIt is good luck for dogs to come to your house.Howling

to your house.

Howling dogs are a sign of bad

luck or illness.

Dogs age 7 years for every human year. Contrary to popular belief, there is no exact formula to gauge how much a dog ages – it's as individual for dogs as it is for people. But a rough guide is thus: The first year of a dog's life is equivalent to 16 human years. After 2 years, they are the equivalent of a 24-year-old. At 3 years, they are the equivalent of a 30-year-old. Each year after, add 5 human years to determine your dog's age. This is a rough guide, however. 

Dogs & Superstitions

Слайд 23 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #9 from


Question #9
from three Friends:

At 3 years, they are

the equivalent of a ….. -year-old man.

Слайд 24 - There are more than 150 dog breeds,

- There are more than 150 dog breeds, divided into 8

divided into 8 classes: sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy,

non-sporting, herding, and miscellaneous.

Some interesting Facts

Some Interesting Facts

Слайд 25 The U.S. has the highest dog population

The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.Teddy Roosevelt's

the world.
Teddy Roosevelt's dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador's

pants off at the White House.

President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him and Her

 Franklin Roosevelt spent $15,000 for a destroyer to pick up his Scottie in the Aleutian Islands.

 The Labrador Retriever is the #1 favorite breed in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic - a Newfoundland, a Pomeranian, and a Pekingese.

George Washington had thirty-six dogs - all foxhounds - with one-named Sweet lips.

Some interesting Facts

Some interesting Facts

Слайд 26 Can You Answer PAGE

How much are you

Can You Answer PAGE How much are you attentive?Question #10 from


Question #10
from three Friends:

George Washington had …… dogs

- all foxhounds - with one-named Sweet lips.

Слайд 27

A Dog's Story

How boundless could be a dog's love

Hachiko:A Dog's StoryHow boundless could be a dog's love to its master? Have you ever heard about Hachiko?

its master?

Have you ever heard about Hachiko?

Слайд 28 Lasse Hallström,
a director from the movie "Hachiko:
A Dog's

Lasse Hallström, a director from the movie

Story" wants to show us a breathtaking, true story

about love, loyalty, friendship and longing. 

Hachiko is the film worth to be seen

Слайд 29 A Tiny Video Clip for you
with Love

A Tiny Video Clip for you with LoveBe creative. Make up

creative. Make up a story
about the boy and

the dog.
Whose story will be Number 1 !

Three Friends

Слайд 30 Three Friends
Well, who is a winner today?

Three Friends PAGEWell, who is a winner today? We are sending

We are sending you an Extra Five! “5”!

you got it?
Good Luck!

Слайд 31 All the Information and all the pictures were

All the Information and all the pictures were taken from the Internet

taken from the Internet

Слайд 32 Thank you for being with us!

See you!

Thank you for being with us!See you!

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